Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2019



The premature good is for all those who try to find it and the evil is also found when one looks for it.

Life is not only the basis of evil. The basis of evil strikes only the ones unsheltered by the Force Supreme to everything and everyone.

The Forces Supreme is the basis of the living creatures that have their signs and their planets of great influence, for that reason they shine for a certain time, but afterwards, because of not understanding the beyond and not looking for the invisible basis, disagreeable things start to appear in their lives, and the better they might be, they go from bad tor worse. As there in the world, there exist rich ones without peace, millionaires and highly positioned persons without any peace at all, for money does not contain all the things which the living creature needs for the equilibrated march of his life. If money brought health, the rich one would not lose it, like an infinitude  of other things that are achieved in life when the living creatures have them in their signs and their planets.

The influence of the planet and the sign, which are belongings of life, is the fruit of a study born in Arabia made by the sages of olden times. Arabia is a country with many legends, many histories and much romanticism, where there existed, in other times, castles of gold and marble. Castles that, in the course of time, where demolished and the people adopting new systems. But still today, there is not one who does not appreciate the past of the old Arabia with its histories, its tales and romances from the past.

There existed sages born in Arabia, veteran knowers of astrology, who have looked for the map of life which everyone brings on their hands. And with the lapidation of the adtrological science they started to play attention to the heavenly bodies for many, many centuries, notifying their movements and putting the name of planet and of sign. This study spread throughout Asia, later becoming universalmente knowm.

At that time, science was wholly natural and communicated with the heavenly bodies naturally, the living creature acquiring, this way, everything he needed. The sages then proved to each person the why of his birth, what had to be, what was happening in life and what would happen in the life of each one.

To be continued

Universo Um Disenchantment

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