Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 29 de julho de 2019


( Antonio dos Santos)
 Tradução: Joyce Barros


"The sun has its fluid. The moon has its fluid. The stars have their fluid; finally, these seven parts that make up the world are the origin of the whole of life. So how are these fluids made? How is electricity made? Everything is the product of the electrical and magnetic assembly that forms the origin and cause of this deformation, the before it was all and the origin of it all. Then comes the before it was what it was. let us first come to know what they were, to be what they were, what they were, pure, clean and flawless rationals, and why did they come to be what they were for disobedience and rebelliousness. Go into progress and hence all the details are clarified with the continuation of this content of the formation of the universe and all its visible and invisible belongings. " (1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHENTMENT, p. 53).

CONCLUSION: We are learning from Rational Knowledge that the world we live in is an electric and magnetic fluidic set, divided into seven parts. By comparison, this set is a large factory working around the clock with its life machine production mechanics! But in order to know the functioning of this mechanics, it becomes necessary to know the prior to being, to know how this mechanic originated. And for that we need to know, initially, that before this Universe exists and all that exists in it, visible and invisible, what existed and exists was and is what the RATIONAL Superior calls the RATIONAL WORLD, which is eternity! A pure, clean and perfect world, with pure, clean and perfect energy and its Inhabitants, who develop a progress of purity. And that in the RATIONAL WORLD there is evolution and progress! This is why there was a part in the RATIONAL WORLD, a part (also pure, clean and perfect and of pure, clean and perfect energy) that was not ready to be progressed. However, some inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD, using the freedom they had and have, willingly and willingly decided to progress this piece, this part that was not yet ready to be progressed! This was the beginning of this universe and all its visible and invisible belongings (which is all we know, such as galaxies, nebulae, planets, stars, black holes, planet Earth and all) invisible that we do not know and which is widely described in Rational Knowledge! So let's slow down, learning all the lessons from co-religionists  of the Rational Elaboration.

Rational greetings to all!

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