( by nalub7)

TO KNOW YOURSELF is, in fact, of ultimate importance in the present phase of life on Earth, since it is the moment to set in function our highest power of communication, which is the Reasoning, the supreme communication function of the body, which should conduct the primary functions of communication, namely, thought and imagination.
Up 1935 the Reasoning function was paralyzed, waiting for the moment when thought and imagination would reach the end of their domination over the Rational animal, releasing thus the development and preparation of the Rational animal for the following phase, the phase of the REASONING FUNCTION.
The world, in which we live, is an electric and magnetic setting with its corresponding structure in the minds of the Rational animals.
Therefore there is the external magnetic energy to our body and there is the interior magnetic energy in the head, occupying the left side of the brain. The external electric energy connects to its internal counterpart which is inside the head and occupies the right hemisphere of the brain.
These two internal components, the electric and magnetic energies, are in constant contact with the external electric and magnetic energies, limiting the human knowledge to this primary field of life which is electric and magnetic, visible and invisible, the spiritual field of the experiences.
There you have the reason why humanity, circumscribed to the thinking and imaging functions, could never leave the field of mysteries, due to these two energies, electric and magnetic, which are energies of very low and primary nature, stemming from a degenerative and deforming state, where they lost their true consciousness and real Rational wisdom, and got unable to transcend.
Energies are living beings, having the invisible of subtler constitution and the visible beings of dense constitution, exactly what we are like as materialized beings.
However, higher above the Sun, there is still another field of life where the energy is neither electric nor magnetic, because it didn’t got affected by the degenerative and deforming state and, therefore, it is an environment of MEDIATING CONSCIOUS RATIONAL ENERGY, which forms the SUPERIOR ASTRAL, which governs the sun and all the planets.
Higher above the SUPERIOR ASTRAL there is another field of life, of RATIONAL ENERGY, pure, clean and perfect, constituting another world, the World of the Eternals, THE RATIONAL WORLD, from where the inhabitants of the INFERIOR ASTRAL come. The Inferior Astral is the world where we live.
We, Rational animals, have inside our heads not only the electric and magnetic components (expressions of the material world) but, also, the component of the RATIONAL WORLD, which is the expression of the Rational Energy kept for millenniums in the pineal gland. Now it is the phase for its development mediated by the Rational Energy from the RATIONAL WORLD.
This development is only possible through the True Knowledge of Life, the Rational Culture, contained in the books that carry the RATIONAL ENERGY, UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, which gets activated by its reading. The Rational Energy for being the cause of all existence will correct our distorted vision of life, as well as our way of behaving, in such a way that we will become fully balanced and our energetic constitution less dense. All that will happen through the Rational Energy, at which point we start reasoning.
Because it is a transcendental function, and have just started to transcend the electric and magnetic world, reaching for the SUPERIOR ASTRAL, and becoming totally free from the influences of these two energies of the ground – the electric and magnetic. And with the development and progressive reading of the Rational Books, we will be able to transcend and reach the frequencies of the RATIONAL WORLD. This is the moment when we rend ourselves rationally immune and connected with the pure, clean and perfect beings of the RATIONAL WORLD.
We will be connected in life to the true world of origin and this means; we will continue living here till the natural extinction of the material body but, at the same time, connected with the RATIONAL WORLD up there.
It is mandatory that we know ourselves, otherwise, we will continue connected with the electric and magnetic forces, which produce thought and imagination and, likewise, are the roots of all suffering and maladies of the Rational animal. It is always worth reminding that the phase of thought and imagination has been over since 1935, now the ruling energy is the RATIONAL ENERGY.
So this is a clarification of the three functions which keep us in constant tuning with the exterior world. Two of these functions relate to thought and imagination and the other function is the one of the REASONING
There is a lot more about what has been said here in the BOOKS OF RATIONAL CULTURE, UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTEMENT. it connects us with the SUPERIOR ASTRAL AND THE RATIONAL WORLD. Philosophers, scientists and historians thought that human kind could reason, however they could never reason without the development of the machine of Reasoning through its natural energy the RATIONAL ENERGY. Therefore no human being had ever reached the RATIONAL WORLD, reason why no man has set himself free from suffering. READING OF THESE BOOKS EVERYBODY WILL BE RATIONALLY IMMUNIZED AND ABLE TO REACH THE RATIONAL WORLD.