Therefore, what are the invisible ones of the outer space? They are deformed in a category superior to the deformation of yourselves and of everything, as you already know, of this globe: sun, moon, everything in short.
And in the outer space, is the hierarchy the same as on Earth? Yes, there exist good and bad living creatures; and on Earth, the same thing, because nature is the same and depends on the same formation. There are the deformed beings who have almost completely lost the virtues, those are the bad ones, and the ones who have not lost them are the better ones. But all are equally deformed because of belonging to this same deformation and depending on it.
Now you ask: " And how do they feed themselves?" Through the aroma of the ark-hemispheric gases. " And the sun?" Its sustenance is natural because in its movement lies its nourishment.
" And the moon? Why does it wane, then fills up and makes these modifications?" Owing to its great magnetic action. When its irradiation is very strong, it is very visible and as it transmits, it wanes. It receives the charges when it is filling up, increasing and after becoming full, it starts to discharge. That is why the waning part is good for everything.
The moon, because of its great magnetic action, acts upon everything and upon everyone. It is a magnetic body like the feminine sex, which is also already adequate to receive the charge and the discharge. When it is discharging, it is regulating with its moon until ending the charge. Ending the charge, nothing else can be see and it starts to charge once more. And so is the moon; after becoming charged it can be seen big and beautiful, and after discharged it disappears and nothing else is seen. It does not disappear; it seems to disappear because of being a body of magnetic effect. Charged, it is visible and discharged, it is invisible. In all these modifications there appears what is called full moon, when it is charged; crescent moon, when it is charging; waning moon, when it is discharding and new moon, when it is completely discharged, thus forming the four quarters of the moon. And these movements are proportioned because of nature herslef being an electric and magnetic assembly, the moon working as a battery of charge and discharge through the effluxes of the waves and the currents of nature herslef.
Thus, the moon with its magnetic action has a great influence over matter, influence which all the material beings obey, depending on its regulation, due to the electric and magnetic fluids that it produces. The stars, the same way, with their electric and magnetic effluxes. They are electric and magnetic bodies formed from the essencies of the matter, as you already know it to be, from the virtues of the resin, and from the deformed plain.
Virtues are lives and these lives correspond to other lives. The stars are electric and magnetic bodies because nature also is electric and magnetic. These bodies shine above all the terrestrians, and being components of the same nature with different formations due to the derformation of the beings.
1 Oin -Universe in Disenchantment