Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 18 de novembro de 2019



It is the electric and magnetic fluid that governs the animal
being, the Rational. And the human being,  because of being of
Rational Origin, has to be governed by the Rational Fluid, by
the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, by his basis  of origin. That is
why you are Rational animals, because the origin is Rational. But
as you were there, you were being governed by the electric
and magnetic fluid, by the irrational animal fluid, and  because of that is you have already been considered one of the fiercest
wild animals, due to you being governed, orientated and guided by the
electric and magnetic fluid, the fluid of the irrational animal
being. And for that reason the human being hás turned into a fierce wild animal; the  evil
moods produced by the electric and magnetic fluid, the fluid of
the irrational ones.

The human being has become uncomprehended of himself, saying:
"-We are civilized beings and sometimes  act worse than
an animal, that does not have reasoning nor conscience." The human
being has become uncomprehended of himself due to being under the
permanent influence of these two fluids, the electric and
magnetic, destroying fluids. All this because of not knowing your true natural, not knowing your origin, and for that reason you
knew you were  you were Rational animals, bit usou knew not the why you were  Rational animals and you were there equating with the
irrational animal because of not knowing your true origin of Rational.

And so, living there in the worlds the same as any other animal, because
it is the irrational animal that has no resources to know its
origin. But the Rational has resources to know his origin, and
now knowing your true origin of Rational animals and living
differently because of  living under the orientation of your basis of
origin, by means of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which enters
inside the apparatus, which enters inside the apparatus that  is the human being, and puts the clok to work Rationally.

Thence, everything working out right in everyone’s life, the peace
to everyone, the peace to the world, the good comprehension
among all, the good understanding among all because everything
is Rational,
because everything is from your basis of origin,
from your true natural of Rational animals, because you are from the RATIONAL PLAIN, and from there coming all the
orientation for the equilibrium of everyone, for the good march of
everyone’s life, and then living completely
different than you were  living as human wild animals, due to the
electric and magnetic fluid, the destroying fluid. You will feel a
great modification.

The Rational Fluid is pure, clean,  perfect and does not
deviate from his being. The electric and magnetic fluid is full of
defects, fluid of the monsters because of being deformed, and because of that
the human committed the greatest monstrosities, influenced and
dominated by the electric and magnetic fluid. Yes, if you are so,
 it is because there exists a cause for you being so, which is
the electric and magnetic fluid.

Now, knowers, of your basis of origin, you will become dominated
by your true natural being, because you  are of Rational Origin,
and  because of that  you are Rational animals; you are from a different basis of origin; like the irrational, that is from another basis of
origin, which is the electric and magnetic.

And so, all striving to know what is RATIONAL
IMMUNIZATION in order  to be immunized the fastet possible,
in order to become integrated to one's basis of origin, or with one's basis of origin. And thus being born the well-being in all points of view, being born the
true happiness, because of  being born in everyone the true Rational
equilibrium, because of your being night and day in touch with your basis of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN, by means of the RATIONAL
IMMUNIZATION, encompassing everyone, dominating everyone,
orientating everyone, Rationally; thereon, everyone from good to better always, the equilibrium of everyone in the
world, being born because of your being integrated to your basis of origin of

The reasoning is much different from the electric and
magnetic thought, which belongs to the  Rational animals, free
thinkers. Then, the electric and magnetic caused such a lack of regulation in the human being that the person became uncomprehended of
himself, making confusions with everything, distrusting
everything, being
evil-minded on everything, in short,a limitless, lack of regulation. One had been living the same as a beast
because for being under the
influence of the irrational, which is the electric and magnetic
fluid, becoming angry with everything, nervous with  everything. The
impatience, the electric and magnetic molested the human being;
it is a destroying fluid. And thus, now, being knowers of the
whole formation, then, the occurring the separation from the irrational

The Rational, under the orientation of the Rational Fluid, of
RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, under the orientation of his true being, and the irrational one under the orientation of its true
being, that is the electric and magnetic.

The Rational animal, of his Rational origin, governed
and directed by the Rational; his line of Rational, his being of
Rational, his Rational progress, in short, a true change, very
great for you had been living as irrational beasts, under the
influence of the electric and magnetic.

Everything slowly, naturally coming to its place. You will undertake this modification without feeling it, without
shock, naturally, because that which is natural a person does not feel, for your being is Rational, the nature is Rational and
which is natural is the reason for the being and the reason of the
being, and the reason for the being is because he is in  true place.

Then, Rationally, everyone conquering, everyone triumphing,
everyone happy and content, because all the mysteries
are here disclosed, the mysteries of the world and of all the beings, and the
categories in their places. That is the domination by
RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which is the true natural of
everyone, everyone's  basis of origin  everyone' s the natural being, for
 that is reason you are Rational animals.

But reasoning was not functioning because you knew
not your basis of origin. It was the electric and magnetic that was functioning.  Then there was that said great confusion between the thought and
the reasoning. Now indeed  the reasoning of the Rational animals has
arrived from your basis of origin. It is now  that you are knowing
what  is reasoning. It is
 now that you are going to be Rationals,
because of being leanerd on and knowing the whole translation of
your basis of origin, of everyone and of everything.

It is now that you are knowing the true evil that is the electric and
magnetic, and the true good that  is the RATIONAL
IMMUNIZATION. All of different poles, each one inside his sector of origin. All are animals, but each one is his
classification, each one inside his class, each one in  his
category, each one inside his being.

( pag.392/396, book UNIVERS IN DISENCHANTMENT, 1° volume, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR)

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