Postagens em Destaque

terça-feira, 12 de novembro de 2019



In the heat, which is a fluid, there is an infinititude of fluids different from each other. Thus, inside the heat are all the fluids, and all different. The difference existing between the human beings, 
different from each other, lies in the fluid because each one has his different fluid. The origin of the colors is due to the fluids beings different. 

A mother that has many children, although originary from the same matrix, they are different. Logically they all should be equal, but they are not, because each one has his fluid, that being so, all are different. 

After the person becomes immunized, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION picks up the fluid which originated the person and takes it to the RATIONAL PLAIN. This fluid, which originated this person, remaining deformed, is born again there on Earth and, once becoming immunized, returns to its place of origin, which is  the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

The sun is of Rational origin, formed by the virtues of the bodies previous  to these ones there which came out from the RATIONAL PLAIN and were losing their virtues and those, gathering themselves, originating the sun. Thus, the sun originated this deformation that is there, which is also of Rational origin, but deformed. 

The fluid is from this electromagnetic assembly that is the deformed world, and the virtues, which signify lives, are of
Rational origin. Life is thus constituted from these deformed virtues.

If there did not exist the sun,  whose origin is from the deformed virtues of the Rational beings, there would be no fluid, and there being no fluid, there is no life. It is teh fluids that give form and life to all the beings that exist there on Earth. Therefore, if the sun did not exist, there would be no life. Thus it is explained, 
the end of all the beings, through the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

In the fluid there is everything of good and everything of evil. The good fluid produces the good, and the evil fluid produces theevil. The person immunized by the good fluid, the evil fluid 
cannot penetrate the body and the person becomes free of any species of ailment like the cancer and many other diseases. The fluid penetrates through the pores, through the respiration, through the nourishment, and it is from there that the good and evil appears. 

The person possessing the good fluid, full of  good fluids, the evil fluid has no access, because the good dominates the evil. The evil cannot stand up to the good; the good prevails instead of the evil. The evil is generated by the magnetic force, and the good by the electric force, when it is regulated, because, out of regulation, it does harm.

Then, everything which one feels but does not see is fluid, one feels the effects but one does not see it: the pollution, the poisoning of the atmosphere through the carbon, through the gases. In order for the person to  be with the electric and magnetic forces regulated, it is necessary that he becomesimmunized. And to acquire the immunization, only by getting to know it in the Book 

The immunization is from the Rational part, and the electric and magnetic is from this assembly of the deformation of this electric and magnetic world; force originated by the sun which  originated this electric and magnetic assembly.

The radioactivity is a fluid, you feel it, but you do not see it. The atom is a fluid, you feel it but you do not see it.  The electricity is a fluid, you feel it, but you do not see it.

The microgerms, the ones which the lenses reach and  the ones which the 
lenses do not reach, and everything that composes this fluidical nature in electric and magnetic matter, everything there exists has its fluid; all the plants have their perfume, their smell, their odors, 
their gases, good and evil one. It is an assembly  of fluids from different gases; each being expels his own. 

Thus a fluidical, magnetic combustion, exerts its influence upon the human being, and thence there comes the thought's lack of regulation, the disequilibrium. The thought does not stop due to this fluidical combustion expelled by the beings. In order to exist the  equilibrium and the normal regulation in the human being, the only thing which ean regulate the human being is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, 
which is an influence from a different pole, that comes from the RATIONAL PLAIN, then it regulates and equilibrates the living creature. 

Without the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, the disequilibrium remains in everyone, for that reason the world has always maintainedthis disequilibrium. The disequilibrium of the world and of everyone comes from this deformed combustion, that now  you are gettiing 
to know, the why of all this. For the equilibrium for everyone, the regulation ofeveryone, only immunizing oneself, getting to know what is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

The Immunization is from the RATIONAL PLAIN. Then, there is the Rational fluid and there is the fluid there from the electric and magnetic deformation. The Rational fluid regulates the electric and 
magnetic part because the human being is there deformed,  subject to this lack of regulation produced by these two currents, that is the cause of the disequilibrium of everyone and of everything. Thus, nature clahses with  everything because of the disequilibrium, and the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION equilibrates everyone and everything. 

The RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is the most necessary thing in the life of the human being and for everything in short, because, once Rationally immunized, the person gets in touch with the 
Inhabitants of the RATIONAL PLAIN, receiving  all the orientations required for the equilibrium on life. The person reiceves all the enlightenments necessary for the equilibrium of the human being, for teh good of all, for the happiness of all, for the peace of all, for the harmony of all, for the tranquility of all, in short, a complete and perfect equilibrium because it is from the Rational being.

The nervous diseases will be cured by means of the good fluid, by means of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Then, in order to acquire all this, it is enough reading  in order to know and feel what is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.  It is only for the good for all in all points of 
view. To immunize means: to be united to the pure ones in the RATIONAL PLAIN, to talk to the pure ones, to come to an understanding with the pure ones, in short, all the required enlightenments given by the pure ones and to return to the side of the pure ones because one has already been pure too, and for that reason you know where you came from, how you came, to where you are going and how you are going, which 
is the return of the fluid that  originated  your being to the natural state that is the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

You got deformed into Rational animals and because ofbeing Rationals you return to your place of origin, the
RATIONAL PLAIN, because there is no effect without cause. The cause that  originated this  making, which is the body, is the fluid that is there deformed, that originated the microbes for the formation of the body. Once immunized, the Immunization picks up this fluid or each one’s fluid, the fluid that originated each being, and takes it to the place of origin. 

There is no effect without cause. Every effect has its cause, everymaking has its cause. If all this exists, it is because there exists the cause for the existence of this or  that. Every effect is produced by 
a cause. If there were no cause, there would not exist the beings, there would not exist life. If there exists life, it is because there exists the cause which
originated the life.

It is necessary repeating this way because, among the comprehending, there also are the uncomprehending ones. These repetitions are for the confused ones, for the uncomprehending ones who take long to comprehend that which  is so clear, before one's very eyes, and who have their bowels bound, closed, and it is necessary to much harp on this way, in order to awaken, in order to be able to interpret. 

Then, all the cures of the body in electric and magnetic fluidical matter are in the good fluid, and all the evils are in the evil fluid, and all the equilibrium in the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION; therefore, strive to immunize  yourself for the good of yourself.

(Pag. 315/32, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

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