Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 24 de novembro de 2019



In the first, place the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION fluid and in the second place the electric and magnetic fluid. It is because  you are electric and magnetic
apparatuses made by this electric and magnetic fluidical assembly that the communication is natural. The fluid of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is from everyone’s place of origin, that is why you are Rational animals. Once being oriented by your basis of origin, through the Rational Fluid, the evilness will cease, the evils will cease because it is the positive basis, because from it  comes the perfect equilibrium; the experiences ceasing, everything will come out right because of being Rational.

You will be right in everything and you will always go from good to better, because the orientation is Rational, made by the Rational Fluid. Then the experiences ceasing. You no longer
need to live of experiences as you have always lived, always experimenting in order  to  make out right or not.

The Rational Fluid provides the perfect regulation, the perfect equilibrium of everyone, because of being Rational, the true basis of everyone's origin that is the RATIONAL PLAIN, which is from where everyone came and to where everyone is
going. Whereas, remaining as you were, under the influence of this 
out-of-regulation basis of the deformation, of the enchantment, you
would never be able to encounter the desired equilibrium which you have
long  been looking for.

Long have you been looking for the equilibrium of the world and of everyone, in every way, but you have never found it, nor could you have found it because of being under the influence of the deformed fluid there in the electric and magnetic enchantment.

Because of your being deformed and being under the action of the electric and magnetic fluid, everyone's disequilibrium has always reigned. All in the quest for equilibrium in the world, and more and more without equilibrium because the electric and magnetic action is destroying.

The electric and magnetic fluid is from the destroying enchantment, it is the fluid of the matter, the fluid of evil, the
fluid that only does evil because of being magnetic and electric, and for that reason you have always been in the quest for the true good and you have never
found it, except for the seeming good. The person is well today, seems to be well, tomorrow he is bad because everything is appearances.

Today one is young, one is deluded  with the appearances, tomorrow one is old, then arising the disillusionments and saying: "How have I been deceived with this life, until today in the quest for the good and the goodness, never finding it."

Thus, the electric and magnetic apparatus, that are the human beings have lived dominated by these two electric and magnetic fluids, and have become thus whit this disequilibrium, in the quest for the equilibrium without finding it and without knowing the why they were this way or the why they are this way, and today knowing the why of everyone’s disequilibrium, the causer for everyone’s disequilibrium, which is
the electric and magnetic fluid, because of being under the domination of these two deformed fluids of the deformation, that is an electric and magnetic fluidical assembly.

The human beings, because of being makings of this formation, are electric and magnetic apparatuses, directed and oriented by the electric and magnetic fluid, you could never found the equilibrium in any form whatsoever , as you have never found it, and  because of that,today it is one thing, tomorrow alread it is another, then another and so

You could never find happiness, due to the disequilibrium of these varying forces that cause all the beings to be varying and cause the lack of regulation to reing; as you can see, how nature is out of regulation and thus are all the beings, due to the electric and
magnetic action of Rational origin, because of being from the RATIONAL PLAIN and communicating with your basis of origin, your place of origin, by means of the Rational Fluid. Everyone
receiving this fluid.

Because of being electric and magnetic apparatuses, thence the Rational Fluid, coming inside the apparatus, inside the “I” of the person, elimanates the 
disturbing electric and magnetic fluid, and the person coming to be guided and oriented by the fluid of his true
natural, of his Rational basis of origin. Then, everything going right because what is Rational does not deviate from its being, everything going in equilibrium, everything working out right, making
out right in everything, there ending the experiences, the doubts, because the
electric and the magnetic are out of action on the human being.

Then, here's how everyone's equilibrium will be born and how the true happiness will be born;  instead of  being guided
by the destroying electric and magnetic fluid, you will come to be guided by the fluid of your true natura. With the electric and magnetic you were and you had been living badly, and with the fluid of the true natural, everything much different, from good to better.

Then, the disequilibrium is made by the electric and magnetic, and the equilibrium is made by the Rational Fluid. Here's the fluid of the good and of the  happiness which is the Rational
Fluid, and the  fluid of the evil which is the electric and magnetic. Everyone wants the good and not the evil; all walk in quest of the good and not of  the evil.

Then, hold on to the Rational Fluid, the fluid of your true natural, which is the Rational Fluid of the RATIONAL
IMMUNIZATION. This is the origin, that is why you are Rational animals, and for the good of all only the fluid of everyone’s true natural and not these deformed electric and magnetic fluids, which are the causers of all the ruins of  the world, of all the evil, because these two fluids do not let the persons  stop thinking, because of their being
electric and magnetic apparatuses and thence the disequilibrium.

The person does not stop thinking and the lack of regulation coming to the head, which is the clock, where the
two electric and magnetic fluids work. Because of not being able to stop  thinking, the persons start to vary and thence, mad ones  with the appearance of good ones, raving  mad whit  the appearence of good ones, and turning the world into a mental asylum because of everyone thinking differently, because everyone is varying this way.

The disequilibrium of the beings, produced by this electric and magnetic lack of regulation, is because the true natural of the human being is not this deformed one, but rather you are of Rational origin; and for because you are of Rational origin, in order to be
equilibrated, only through the fluid of your true natural, the Rational Fluid. Because of being of Rational origin you are Rational animals.

Then, in order to become immunized and receive the Rational Fluid, you need to read with persistence in order to know what is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. It is not reading only once, for one forget and later  knows nothing; one needs to read every day until coming to know, knowing how to historify, how to talk about what is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

Then, here it is, in the first place the fluid from your basis of origin, the Rational Fluid; in the second place the same fluid; and in third place the same fluid, and always everything in its basis of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN.

Because of being Rational animals, everything has to be from your  basis of origin,  in order for everything to come out right. All in the world are to be congratulated on account of being here the divulgence, the definition of the origin of the beings and of everything in short that composes this enchantment
which no one has ever disenchanted, except now, the blessed disenchantment.

( pag.376/381, 1° Volume, Book, UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, Author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR)

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  133. WHAT DOES UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT MEAN? There it is, the universal definition. The definition of the disenchantmen Everyone at his...