Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 3 de novembro de 2019


( Antonio dos Santos)
 Tradução: Joyce Barros

"However, the alphabet of astrology was much better than the one they invented and adopt to this day, ‘cause with astrological knowledge everyone actually knew each other. To know each other, you didn't have to ask who that person was. Just ask him: can I see your hand? “He knew who he was talking to, how old he was, what was going on with the person, and what was going to happen in his life.
It was a much better alphabet, as was the better way of life, because everyone knew each other. This alphabet, over time, came crashing down and the living people wanted to see if they could live even better than they did. And they started with the inventions, knowing that they were going for the worse, because the improvement sought is as they see it in the universe. This astrological alphabet is very easy for anyone who wants to learn and I do not teach here because it is an ancient alphabet and what prevails in the world today is another one.
All this is to see how the evolution of the world went. How many things have passed away that are not even worth commenting on." (1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, p.134/135).

CONCLUSION: The world has long been clamoring for a culture strong enough to balance human beings and life! A knowledge capable of clarifying why the life of the human being has reached the conditions in which it is, where they live against each other and destroying each other; where there is no peace and no rest in the whole world; where violence reigns in all walks of life and where human life has completely lost its value, being trivialized to the extreme!

For all this there is a reason for being, a reason, a cause, since we know that there is no effect without a cause! All of these harmful effects around the world have their cause, and so the whole world has been shaken and shaken by countless forms of suffering, such as moral suffering, physical suffering, spiritual suffering and suffering perpetrated by the weather of nature. 

And in the midst of this scenario of world tragedy, lives the human being, amazed and scared of what goes on around the world!

So now, help has come to the Divine Providence! And the Providences are here, now, contained in the UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT Book, which brings us the grandeur of a new culture, Rational Culture! This culture is capable of balancing and recovering the human being and the universe!

Rational greetings to all!

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 (562) 818-473


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DO QUE SE TRATA A CULTURA RACIONAL? Aos que perguntam do que trata a Cultura Racional, por ouvirem falar, por verem imagens do Livro Univers...