Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2019



"Sometimes, in the family of a remedy, a child was born with the title expressed in the astrological alphabet to rule and be the substitute for the one who was ruling or who was yet to rule.
The rich had their children, who were often born with these nature-given gifts and did not like, did not conform; they were rich, they wanted their children to be big and rich too. This is to see that from the beginning of the world, they never wanted to know the right, but the crooked, and so the new generations came to adopt what was crooked, made by the ambitious and greedy, in order to expand their desires.
In the East, they still use the astrological alphabet a lot. In India, the Hindus, and even in ARABIA, still use this alphabet." (Page 139/140, 1st Volume, UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONCLUSION: At the time when everyone lived ruled by the alphabet of astrology, life was completely different from today. Everyone stayed within the narrow confines of this alphabet and life was so much better!

This alphabet of astrology was given by the Supreme High Court of Astrology and its fundamental purpose was the return of all who followed it to our true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD, as did all those who followed it! At that time, everyone was in a higher class of life than we are today, which was the Rational Mediator class.

Living under the aegis of the astrology alphabet, humans knew each other and no one could lie, deceive, betray, kill, steal, in short, no one could deceive each other. For everyone to know each other, just look at the Map of Life that everyone brings in their palms! Yes, my friends, these traits and scratches that everyone brings on their palms have their very clear meanings!

But why were they abandoning the astrology alphabet and creating others? Very simple! The alphabet of astrology imposed limits, rules, norms to be followed in everyone's life! And many, dissatisfied with the limits of the alphabet, began to want to expand their wants, tastes, and desires. An example: the alphabet said in which neighborhood one would have to live; which profession to follow; who should marry; how many children should have; etc ... So dissatisfaction began to arise: I like blonde women and the astrology alphabet says I have to marry a brunette? I want to have 2 children and the alphabet says I can only have one? I am a renowned doctor and I want my son to be too, and the alphabet says my son has to be a farmer? I want to live in the south zone and the alphabet says I have to live in the north zone? Ah, this alphabet is very limited, we need to invent another one that will allow us to expand all our wants!

And so, with these boundless desires and wishes, they gradually created new alphabets, until they reached the artificial alphabet we have today.

Thus, with the advent of the Rational Phase we will have another alphabet, which is the Rational Alphabet, which is not really an alphabet, because it is of superior origin, and it is certain that the correct name is Rational Culture, the culture from true Home World of everything and everyone! (By Antonio dos Santos / Ângela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

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