Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2019



There is  the primary  course,  which is the enchantment, below the sun, the secondary course above the sun, and the superior course, which  is close to the RATIONAL SUPERIOR. The primary course is this Life of mysteries, of enigmas and of experiences, in order for everything to end in nothing because that which arises from the nothing ends in nothing. Then, enchantment: mysteries without solution. Now, disenchantment: all the solutions  to the whole formation of this world and its creation, primary course because you are caught in the matter and without solution to this enigma.  You knew you   were this way, but you knew not why you became this way, ignoring your being and everything in short. Making a mystery of everything because of knowing nothing of right, unconsciously talking like a parrot because of being enchanted like any other anima   In order to know everything has to   be learned, if one does not learn, one does not know, like any other animal. Then, this is the primary course, the course of the enchantment of the parrots. It is called inferior Astral because of belonging to matter, the inferior wolrd,  the wolrd of the enchantment, of the misteryes, of the enigmas, of the endless  experiences, of the aventures, always venturing in order to see whether it works  out right or not.       

Universe in Disenchantment



TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Portanto, o acatamento será geral entre todos. Sim, porque ninguém vai deixar de viver bem, para viver mal. Quem é...