Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2020



The fluid is the generator of all beings. The fluid is what generates the microbes, the viruses, after all, all kinds of beasts, animals, vegetables and that is why the fluid is the causer of all these animals, beasts, and organisms. Therefore, in the fluids are the most powerful forces of nature. 

The evil fluid generates evil beings and the good fluid generates good beings. 

So, in the fluids are the causes and origins of this apparent everything, which comes from nothing and returns to nothing, comes from animals and ends in animals. Therefore, in the fluids is the everything of the apparent everything, the everything of nothing, which ends in nothing. Today you are alive, tomorrow are dead; composes and decomposes, builds and destroys. 

Then, there is infinity of fluids, all different, of all colors and various sizes; that is why there are animals of all sizes, down to the micro germs, to the micro virus, and those the lenses cannot see. The same way you do not see the fluids, but feel them, there are viruses and micro viruses that the lenses cannot see them, as there are no lenses to see the fluids. All of this due to the formation of nature being of an electric and magnetic fluidic conjunct, which are the two forces causers of the electric and magnetic life. 

The electric fluid gets together with the magnetic fluid; they are two in one. All of this, fluidically, to proof to you that all 
nature and its creation is fluidic and the fluid is the causer of all generation, of all formation, of all beings and all of them are different, and for this, all are different from one another, as everything is different.

In races, the species is only one, but all are different from one another due to this infinity of fluids, all different, originating all of those differences; consequently, in the fluids is the most powerful force of generation and creation. 

Then, the good fluid does well and the evil fluid does ill, and so, all diseases, whatever kind, they are fluidics, from fluidic origin. 

The person immunized by the good fluid is free from being a victim of the bad fluid, due to being immunized by the good fluid. This fluidic treatment is the true treatment of the body in fluidic matter, and all cures are from fluidic origin. This is the true remedy to the health conservation; with the body being immunized by the good fluid. And to acquire the good fluid, only in RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

Care to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is to become Rationally immunized. Once Rationally immunized, you get in contact with the Inhabitants from RATIONAL PLAIN, you get in contact with RATIONAL SUPERIOR, receiving the 
precise orientations for the good march and equilibrium of life. To Immunize means: uniting oneself with the pure ones from RATIONAL PLAIN, understand with the pure ones, to know your origin. 

You were enchanted, about your origin you knew nothing, you were aware of nothing. You disenchanted yourself. In that moment you got all knowledge and clarification about your origin of Rational, that for being from Rational origin, you got deformed and became Rational animals and now, returning to your place of origin, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which clarifies 
the reason why you became like that and what you were before you were like this, where you came from, how you came, and why you came, where you are going to, how you are going to your place of origin, through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

Once immunized, the Immunization catches the fluid that gave origin to this body and takes it to its place of origin, which is RATIONAL PLAIN. Care to immunize yourselves, for you to be 
immunized by the good fluid and not become victims of the bad fluid, transmitter of diseases, like cancer and others. 

And so, everything is fluid. Fluids transformed into iron, fluids transformed into rocks, fluids transformed into gum; that the beginning was from the gum of the Plain and everything generates from the gum. The gum is what generates the human being; the gum is what generates all beings. 

Then, the bones come from a gum, the teeth are from gum origin, the hair is from gum origin, the nails are from gum origin. 

Hard gum like iron, hard gum like rocks, hard gum like bones. The gum transforming into beings that melt, that end, because they came from a gum. Hard gum, rather soft gum, soft gum, which came from the water of the Plain that became soft with the heat; each time softer, it turned into a gum and each time more melted by the heat, it turned into water. 

Then, everything is from water origin and from gum origin, which gave the origin of all beings that are there, and due to them 
being made of fluids, everything melts itself and ends. The beginning was of water, everything started with water and everything melts and ends in water. Isn’t spermatozoid a gum? From that the human being comes and so do all beings. 

Everything is hard gum transformed, and because it is fluid, it ends as nothing. Then, all bodies are electric and magnetic fluids, that is why if there is no sun, there is no heat, if there is no heat, there is no fluid, if there is no fluid, there are no beings.

And so, the fluid is everything and the beings are nothing, because they end, they transform into what they were, because nothing ends, but get transformed, due to being deformed. Today is new, tomorrow is old; there it is, the action of the effects of the fluids.



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