Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 7 de março de 2020



"There are no difficulties for those who are assiduous in reading. Immunization comes faster than the living person thinks or expects. Therefore, the living person's happiness depends in this case, on the living person.
The rationally immunized person is a living person who is saved and knows how to explain why he is a savior, knows how to give all definitions with solid bases, why he is saved, knows how salvation is done, how everything was done and before everything was done, how it was , where everyone came from and where everyone will go, where it all came from, the origin of everything and before that origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN, how those living here live, and the part of that same plain that was not ready to enter progress and that, with the entry of a few Rationals, began to dismember, to descend, to transform together with the bodies, changing as they progressed, until the extinction of the previous body and then, to formation of those bodies that are there, to the generation of all beings." (Page 202, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHENTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: As Abdruschin said, "the human being must not forget that he is in the Work of God, that he himself is a particle of that Work and that therefore he is unconditionally subjected to the Laws of that Work."

This means that everything has its time and day to happen! And for everything to happen, it is necessary and necessary to have prior preparation, prior conditioning. Therefore, human beings have long been prepared by philosophical and scientific knowledge so that, after being prepared and matured, they could understand the arrival of a New Age: the era of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION!

And with IT, the solid bases for the formation of the Rationalized human being, turned not only for the good of himself, but for the good of all, of a universal human being, as Osho already foreshadowed when discussing the emergence of the new human being: "He will be a citizen of the world - without a nation.
He will be religious - but without religion.
It will be scientific - but not destructive. All your science will be dedicated to creation.
He will be pious, compassionate, loving - but not celibate. A new human being with no burden from the past, more meditative, quieter, more loving ".

So, now, a large part of humanity is already prepared and matured to understand the Rational Knowledge transmitted by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION! So it is possible to conclude that the Work is ready, leaving now the human being to exercise his free will in seeking to know it! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!

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RATIONAL PARTS! "This is only to wake up the confused ones who need to be enlightened about all these things, so that they can know whe...