Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 6 de julho de 2020



"In a post of light, fraternity and love, what should be done? Always ensure that the benign consistencies increasingly multiply to all who contemplate what they should contemplate.
Laziness, greed, discouragement, this is for people who do not have what I will give. One should never contemplate evil and be based on it, because the more one contemplates evil, if one is based on it, the worse one becomes, the more one worries, the more one becomes discouraged, the more one lives with sadness and discontent.
Therefore, the living being who has the plan of salvation in his hands, what should he do? Contemplate, love, to always improve. He, who seeks the plan of salvation, does because he wants to be saved, who contemplates because he wants to be contemplated, to be served, and he will be beyond what he needs." (P. 115, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Here are the foundations for any human being who wishes to live well and achieve his personal evolution. Yes, because we must follow the path of good  to do to our neighbors and ourselves. This is because, we know today that everyone here is living in a world outside our true natural state. And to live in these conditions is to live under the rules of suffering and dying, until we truly know each other, to cease to be so.

When we set out to follow the path of goodness and abide in it, we must be driven by the spirit of perseverance! To persist in the good, to always plant the good, to maintain all that is good and good and to reap a far greater good. This is the sense of humanity and solidarity with everything and everyone.

These are the values ​​we are learning from Rational Knowledge, where in them there is only the weapon of good, reason, peace, and universal concord. In them too, we are learning to know and respect true human rights, since everyone has the right to life (in all categories and kinds of life), because we are all children of God. And respecting life is a show of respect to all God's children! And respect above all and all, since whoever respects is because they want to be respected.

Therefore, we all know that evil exists, but for everything there is a reason for being, there is a reason for existing, since there is no effect without cause! Today, through Rational Knowledge, we fully know the cause and origin of evil and who was responsible for it! We also know that it was necessary and necessary for evil to exist, so that we could feel its consequences in ourselves, so that we never walk its path and get rid of it forever! Therefore, one should never contemplate evil, because we will be victims of it!

Therefore, today we are taking the first steps towards the implantation of the true good, working together with nature, which through its natural evolution brought us RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION! (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!

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