Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2020



"The delirium will be wonderful, because the uncertainty, the doubt, the indecision, the distrust of everything will disappear, because they find the way in the truth of the truths, mysteries, for not knowing how to solve them, ending everything in infinity and finding now, all these mysteries unveiled in this Bookkeeping.

The joy will be dazzling, the emotion and satisfaction will be enormous.

This is an insignificant commentary on life and the reason for life; what is the present life and what will be the future life, after all that is proven, of all the solutions given here by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, where there is no doubt to do." (Page 196, 1st. Volume , Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHENTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: So, is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION another way of living? There is not the slightest shadow of doubt! An immunized living being is a balanced living being; he is self-aware; he knows where he came from, he knows where he is going, how he came and how he is going; he knows the world in which he lives completely and far beyond; he knows his World of Origin, he knows how he got there and he knows how he ended up here under the conditions he is in; he knows how to get out of the conditions he is in (of Rational Animal, thinker, suffering and mortal) and return to his natural state of being pure, clean, perfect and eternal Rational!

And what must we do to make the living being immunized? Just read and reread, in a reflective, attentive and studious way, the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! And does this reading prohibit the living being from anything? No way! Rational Culture is not against anything, it is not against anyone, it is in favor of everyone and everything, because everyone is a child of God!

And why hasn't RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION arrived in the world longer? Because it is only now that the instructions on how to acquire it have arrived! Because before we were being prepared so that, after being prepared, we would reach the maturity necessary to understand it; because before we were in the phase of Rational Animal, in the phase of civilization, a phase of preparation of the human being to understand the existence of a Superior World (where everything and everyone is from), with its Superior Culture, capable of clarifying to the man (based on logic, evidence and proof) where he came from, how he came, why he came, where he is going, how he is going and why he is going.

All of this is found now in RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, because there has been a change of phase, of regency in nature! From the Rational animal phase to the Rational phase; because there was a union of the two worlds in one! That's right, my friends! From the world above, which is the RATIONAL WORLD, with the world below, which is this one of matter, where we live.

So, my friends, get to know RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, the greatest gift of all time! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translation: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!

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   TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  E assim, reconhecendo a sabedoria e o orgulho de muitos, que tudo julgam saber e nada sabem, não admitindo coisa algu...