Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 31 de outubro de 2020



Life, being made up of nothing, would one day have to stop being nothing, to be everything, through the knowledge of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Living as they currently live, they have to frame life and the way of life as a cause of misery, fighting for so many things for nothing, looking for so many things to end up in nothing.

Through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION they will cease to be free thinkers, as they become aware of the true ideal.  The ideal of all is to want to find your definite situation and the definition of everything in the world, to find support from yourself and live with the conviction of knowing why you live, why this life, the life of all beings, who live  there, irremediably, appearing what they are not, imbued with this illusion. "(Page 246, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Again we refer to the introductory part of the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, when its author, RATIONAL SUPERIOR, states verbatim: "This is the discovery of the two worlds: the electric and magnetic, which is the world we inhabit, and the other  world that is the RATIONAL PLAIN, from where we left and that gave rise to this, by deforming ourselves into Rational animals ".

So, if we are going to discover the world we inhabit, it is because we do not know it at all, we do not yet know it fully, mainly in its aspect considered "invisible" to our eyes!

Preambularly, we need to understand that the world we live in is a Great Hierarchy composed of living beings from upper classes and living beings from lower classes. Where do we want to go with such statements? To a great mystery that hitherto involved the human condition in the universe: that we were never alone in this immensity that is the universe! Yes, friends, man has never been alone in this universe!  I just never knew how to "see" in a clear and crystalline way the countless forms of intelligent lives that make up our world! And also due to a certain vanity and presumption of placing yourself in a position of superiority, which today we know to be apparent.

In the world we live in, everyone has life, feeling, intelligence and the strength of their life! Oh, and everyone talks and understands and communicates with each other, within their respective categories and vibrations of lives. But the human being does not "understand", does not "see" and for this reason and because of his absolute materialism, he tends to deny the existence of the other lives that make up the world in which we live. Then, starting with space, the Rational Knowledge contained in the Work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT clarifies that it is full of lives. Yes, my friends, don't you see the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Planets? All of these beings have life, intelligence, feeling and, amazingly, "speak", communicate with each other, with each other! Up there in space it is a damned chatter: It is the Sun speaking, the Moon speaking, the Stars speaking the Planets speaking, because they are lives and everything that has life "speaks", has its form of communication, of vibration. Some long-range and highly sensitive devices, used by scientists, pick up these "frequencies", these communications. But the human being does not understand and does not understand because they are forms of communication between higher category beings.

Just as there are these visible beings in space, there are also invisible ones!  That's right, my friends! And we don't have to go that far to reach that understanding! Right here in the life of matter, which is matter, aren't there beings whose form of life we ​​can only see through microscopes? This is because our eyes have limited reach, not seeing what is too small or too far out of reach. So, the space between the Sun and the Earth is inhabited by various beings, various forms of life (intelligent, with feeling and with the strength of their life capable of influencing us). Another habitable world, with beings of a higher category and who, as it were, created a vast philosophical and scientific teaching among us human beings. Let the knowledge of Astrology, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Quantum Physics, Spiritual and all the like say!

So, my friends, we need to take a new look at man and his position within this visible and invisible universe. Universe that is now in disenchantment, thus removing the veil that hung over the mysteries, enigmas and phenomena about the lives and beings that compose it! Then, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION brought to everyone's knowledge that man is not and has never been alone in this immense universe;  it also brought Rational Knowledge, capable of promoting the Great Rational Fraternal Union among all these lives, to establish on Earth the foundations of a just society, capable of solidifying peace and consolidating fraternity and universal harmony! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...