Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2020




The sun is the watch and the moon the hands, due to that, shows the quarters. The stars, the hand of the seconds, over the formation of nature. The fluids more charged with the magnetic force produce more viruses of this part and from that, the generation and formation of the feminine sex. If the fluid is more charged with the electric force, more viruses of this part, the masculine sex prevails. Those charges are produced or made by the fluids of the moon. 

The moon being the hands of this watch sets up the charges and discharges, that is why it charges and discharges. When waning, it discharges and when waxing, it charges; the new moon is neutral, and so, the moon has great influence in the generation and formation of the beings. 

The magnetic fluid strongly charged, it produces a great quantity of viruses from its part, due to its influence be big, and from there, there is the generation and formation of the feminine sex. The electric part, which is the fluid, when it is more charged, it produces and generates the masculine sex, because the charges are variant, due to the moon’s quarters, which are different. 

Then, when it is full, totally charged, it produces great magnetic force and when waning, it discharges the magnetic force. When it waxes, it charges with magnetic force, which is why nature is so varying, due to the quarters of the moon. Within those quarters are the minutes, seconds, and the hours, and due to the existence of all of those modifications of quarters of minutes and seconds, that is why it makes these varieties, these irregularities in nature, of inequality and of differences from one thing to another.

Then you use to say: "-There is not one thing equal to other. It has always to have a difference, big or small, due to the quarters, minutes, seconds, and hours, which change the magnetic and electric action." In one second it is under a magnetic influence, and in the other, it is already under some other magnetic action, and so, successively. 

In a minute it is already a magnetic action, in a second it is already another magnetic action, in three minutes it is already another magnetic and electric action, and so are the hours. The magnetic and electric actions are in constant modifications, that is why thoughts are varying. Some time you think one thing, other time you thing another. The thoughts do not stop, due to those modifications of the electric and magnetic forces. 

When the sun warms too much, it is because it is charged with magnetic force. A simple comparison: a small fire produces little heat; when putting there a lot of stuff, a lot of matter, it becomes a large fire, the heat is larger, due to the material beings. 

A stuck match produces little heat and ten lit boxes produce more heat due to the larger material charge. And so is the sun, the less magnetic charge, the less heat; the more charge, the more heat. 

The same thing with electricity; the larger the charge, the larger the magnetic charge. The shock is larger, the force is larger, the fire is larger. The larger the magnetic charge, the larger the electric force is, the more fire. So is the sun, the more charged with magnetic fluid, the more heat. And so, in the generations, the more charged, the more it dominates, the more it prevails.
Then, there it is, the reason for females and the reason for males.

The male, more electric charge; it prevails the male. If the magnetic force is more charged, it prevails the magnetic force. 

Then, all of this is very variant because it is a watch starting in one, increasing to two, increases to the third, and keeps increasing until it reaches twenty four hours. 

Then, the new moon is neutral, then the first quarter starts; the magnetic force starts to increase until the full moon comes. 

After the full moon, the last quarter comes, it starts to discharge. 

It is in such a way that the magnetic force is always on the scene, and the electric, with its varieties, its variations. From there come the variations of the beings, which are formed by the fluids. The variations of the differences in color, in race, in size, in ways, in forms, in understanding, in thoughts, in language, in shape, in tastes, in smells, in odors, after all, that large variety that exists over everything, which gives origin to all of those causes; that there is no effect or deeds which do not have cause; if there is not the cause, there is not the deed and due to the magnetic and electric variations which the fluids go through. From second to second it changes its actions, its effect, its works for the formation of the beings. That is why you use to say: "-There is nothing perfect in this world, due to the electric and magnetic fluid changes, which within one or half a second already makes a difference, and from second to second there are different forces operating. There cannot be perfection." 

Then you dare to say: "-There is nothing perfect in this world." Now you are knowing why. The electric and magnetic fluid action, which comes into action for the generation, formation, and creation of beings, because there is no effect without cause. If all of those deeds there exist, the cause is the fluids, not existing the fluid, there are no beings and there is no generation and formation. 

Then, the sun is the watch and the moon is the hand and the stars are the little hand of the seconds that is why they are always in action with that twinkle that seems they are trembling.

Then, there it is, a little piece of the before-being. The before-being of this apparent everything, where did it come from? 

From the fluid. The fluid is the heterogeneous and all beings are fluidics. It is the general fact, of genius, of the genesis of formation, generation, and creation of the beings. 

Then, it is this fluid that gave origin to your life that the Immunization catches and takes it to the place of origin, which is 
RATIONAL PLAIN, then, when this apparent everything, which is your body, your being, extinguishes, it does not come another equal, because the fluid that originated this body is no longer here to the formation of another body like it, it is up there, on RATIONAL PLAIN. So, there it is the disenchantment of the beings, the disenchantment of everything, and the disenchantment of the world. You disenchanted of this life, because you did not know why you lived like that there, without knowing anything about your formation and creation. 

Disenchantment means: freedom, you became free from matter, you were tied up to the matter, to evil, suffering, imprisoned to all suffering there and now you got the freedom through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. Then, enchanted means: 
prison on this ground of bitterness. 

Disenchantment means: you freed yourself from that prison of matter, from that condemnation of condemned to suffer and 
condemned to die, many times tragically, horribly; freed from this bitter oppression. 

Disenchantment means: you freed yourself. Enchantment is the same as condemned to everything evil. Therefore, it is in the world the disenchantment of people. Then, this is the biggest treasure, the biggest richness, the biggest brilliant. The greatest happiness is the disenchantment. 

The freedom of the enchanted ones is priceless. Then, there it is, the disenchantment of the people; the disenchantment of everyone; the disenchantment of the world from the animal oppression.

Now you are aware and know why you were here locked in matter, in this enchantment, suffering bitterly and humiliated because you are the way you are and condemned to death. 

Humiliated because you are there without any warranties, exposed there to all sufferings, exposed to all deceptions. Many people revolted due to feeling humiliated with this nature, with this life, agonizing, in agony, exposed to all disequilibrium.

Many people feel humiliated and ashamed for being like they are, not being happy with this life, due to it being a false life, of appearances, of fantasies, of illusions, of hypocrisy. Many living because they have life, but with no pleasure in life, due to being ashamed of being the way they are, of passing what passes on in this world of illusion, of matter. Many people are ashamed to be what they are, but not having another option, they must accept all that imperfection, due to them living in a world of imperfect ones. 

Then, many people were ashamed to be like that. They felt belittled, ridiculed, due to being imperfect, wanting to be correct, right, and seeing the imperfection of their being and of all beings; seeking perfection for not knowing their being and never finding it. 

Then, the deception of many people. So ashamed for being what they are, disappointed and disillusioned, that they have already ended life, put an end to life, due to being ashamed from living like this, due to being ashamed for not being perfect, for not being right as they wished to be. Countless suicides by the disappointed ones with life, seeing that there are no one perfect, seeing the imperfection of everyone in the world, seeing the catastrophic injustices of nature; the volcanoes, the earthquakes, and all that exists, seeing so much imperfection in nature and in the beings; being ashamed to live in a world like this; of shame, that they put an end to life, not tolerating their own being of matter, imperfect one, full of defects.

Humiliated due to living in this condition of animals, of Rational animals. Humiliated and ashamed for being so, they kill themselves, preferring to die instead of living the way they are. 

The majority prefers the illusion and keeps on living, but it is necessary to notice that not everyone thinks the same way. Those 
who seek perfection, purity, justice of nature do not find it and dislike it, get disappointed, and put an end to life, because everyone thinks differently and judge like this: "-What is it worth to live in the world if I do not have peace, if I do not have warranties, if I am exposed to all suffering, if life is of suffering? 

"I do not have to whom to appeal for. Suffering is the greatest brilliant in the world. I am, in this varying state of 
disequilibrium, everything apparently and I am nothing truly. It does not help to live falsely, deceiving myself with an apparent everything without being so. I would like to have a positive life and not a negative one, due to this, today I am one thing and tomorrow another one. It is not worth for me to live hypocritically like this, pretending that I am what I am not, appearing to be what I am not." 

Then, thinking like that and on, one feels so ridiculed, so belittled, so ashamed, that one ends up putting an end to life, due to not wanting to subject himself to live like this as nature provided to him. Then, each one with one’s way to interpret life, and for this, everyone is different, each one creating a conviction about life, each one interprets life in some way, in some form; each one with one’s way to interpret. 

Then, there is on Earth the disenchantment of the Rational animals, the disenchantment from the domination of matter, the disenchantment that has never existed, the disenchantment of the beings of the Universe, which has never existed, and today coming to everyone’s knowledge, the disenchantment of the beings of the Universe, the disenchantment that everyone was hoping for, that everyone has been waiting since long.

At last the disenchantment has arrived. The Rational freedom represents the universal purity, love and fraternity. The 
disenchantment is everything; the enchantment, matter, is nothing, because matter is an apparent everything and the 
disenchantment from evil is everything. 

Today, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION arriving, everyone has the pleasure of living peacefully and happily, due to finding the right route, the right path, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, for everyone to get in contact with RATIONAL SUPERIOR, for everyone to get united with 
RATIONAL SUPERIOR, close to RATIONAL SUPERIOR, talking and speaking with RATIONAL SUPERIOR, with all precise orientations for the route of happiness and equilibrium, having your conferences with RATIONAL SUPERIOR. 

Due to you being of Rational Origin, you had to come to this conclusion, which is the definition of everyone’s nature. "-The nature defined, due to our origin being this one, Rational, and for this, we were classified as Rational animals. Now defined and divulged our being. We arrived at our true place and because we arrived at our true place, that is why we have the contact to unite with our origin, together with RATIONAL SUPERIOR." 

Then, greatest joy and happiness than this one has never existed before, and so, greater contentment, greater happiness and greater satisfaction among all that could not exist equal; the contentment and satisfaction of uniting ourselves to RATIONAL SUPERIOR. 

Then, viva to Brazil, blessed land and chosen by RATIONAL SUPERIOR.


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