Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2020


"...With the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, you will resolve everything of well and good because it is Rational the origin of the human being, Rational animals. And so, everyone very happy because you know your true natural and the reason why you lived horribly as an animal, under the effects of the animal fluid, controlled by those electric and magnetic fluids. You could never have found the right thing, always in doubt about everything, suspicious of everything due to the unbalance from the electric and magnetic 
fluid, which is from the irrational animal and not of the Rationals. Today you are full of satisfaction for having found the true basis of the Rational Origin. 

That which is Rational, needs to be guided by its origin, which is Rational, and not by 
the animal basis, which is from the electric and magnetic. The immune person lives happily because he is guided by his basis of Rational Origin and the person who is not immune lives like a beast, like an animal, guided by the animal basis, the electric and magnetic fluid, the deformed basis, the animal basis, the basis of the beast. He lives in doubt about everything, hoping everything, uncertain about everything, suspicious of everything, afraid of everything, terrified of everything. 

This is the animal basis, an infernal unbalance, an unbalance of crazy ones, unbalanced by the electric and magnetic fluids it is the basis of the beast, animal, of the irrational beasts, of the irrational animals. Now, the basis of the Rational animals is another, very different one. It is of the origin of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals, of up there on the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

Be sure to know your origin to be dominated by the basis of your origin of Rationals by means of the fluids that gets into the person and talks to the person, clarifies things to the person, balances the person and, thus, everything working out in the person’s life, conferencing with the person and providing all the precise orientation for the person’s and all immune ones’ balance. 

Thus, there has come on Earth the greatest discover of all times; the description of the 
formation of this hole, which you named world. Everyone here in this hole looking over there to the sky, to the sun, the moon and stars without knowing, without knowing the reason of the existence of all of this, living like an irrational animal, which has no clue about describing the origin of its being and much less on the origin of the other beings because they are under the electric and magnetic influence, because they are under the influence of the animal, under the electric and magnetic influence. 

The Rational Fluid is from up here, from the RATIONAL PLAIN and the electric and 
magnetic fluid is from down there, from that hole, which is the deformed world. The fluid from down there, from the Earth over there, is the deformed fluid, which rules this deformation of the irrational animals, it is the fluid of the generation, formation, and creation, it is the fluid that generates everything, creates everything, and destroys everything, it is the fluid that rules this hole, which is the enchanted world, which is the electric and magnetic fluid. 

Rational Fluid, over there in that hole, has never existed; the Rational Fluid never came to this deformation because the Rational Fluid is from up there, from the Rational Plain. 

That is why the electric and magnetic fluid is the reason of all ruins, of all maladies that exist in the world, because the electric and magnetic fluid is the generator, creator, and destroyer. Because it generates, forms, and creates all of this formation, it is the reason for all evil, of all bad and because it is a bad fluid, it made all of these apparent things as they were true; it formed, generated, and created as if they were true. 

Then, everything is appearance, generated, formed, and created by the electric and magnetic fluid. All of this is nothing more than a magnetic formation, pure magnetism and because it is pure magnetism, everything has its time of duration. There is nothing eternal due to everything being magnetic, generated by the magnetic and electric fluid and because it is pure magnetism, there isn’t stability even in weather, even in the beings. 

Nothing can regulate correctly due to everything being pure magnetism. Everything generates, is born, grows, flourishes, and disappears due to it being pure magnetism, materialized beings, made, formed, and generated under magnetic influence, which is the magnetic and electric fluid. 

That is why you come from nothing, are formed into an apparent everything, return to nothing, reduce yourselves to nothing, coming from nothing and ending in nothing. All of that is pure magnetic, magnetic beings, magnetically. Because you are pure magnetic, you show up with life and all of a sudden lose life, disappear, die. Due to you being magnetic beings, materialized into this apparent everything, into this everything of nothing, which ends in nothing, due to it disappearing. You are materialized beings by a magnetic force, which is the magnetic fluid, which caused and originated to all beings, the electric and magnetic fluid. Therefore, the electric and magnetic fluid is the creator and generator of this world and of all evil that exist in it, of all things existing in it, of all poisons, of all ruins. And because it is magnetism, you could only live from appearances, appearing that which you are not, the apparent truth. Today it is true, tomorrow it is not; today it is true that you are alive, tomorrow it is no longer true, because you had your life and lost your life. Everything in the magnetism is like that: today it is worthy, tomorrow unworthy, today it is true, tomorrow a lie, today it is good like this, tomorrow it is no longer good, today it is beautiful, tomorrow ugly, today it is useful, tomorrow useless, today it is new, tomorrow it is old and all of this is unstable like that because everything is of magnetic origin, due to everything being magnetism. 

You are magnetically materialized beings because everything that exists over there in that hole, which is an electric and magnetic sum, everything magnetic matter, magnetized matter, all magnetized and magnetizing. Due to you being of that sort, of that magnetic way, you could never have found out your true origin and the origin of the world, due to you being magnetic beings, beings due to the magnetic force, materialized. 

Due to you not being true, but irregular, you could have never found anything of true about the world and of its formation, generation, and creation, due to you being creatures of this magnetic sort. The electric and magnetic fluid is the true architect of this electric and magnetic world. The electric and magnetic fluid is the true architect of this world and its generation, creation, and formation.

The irrational animals are generated, formed, and created by the architect of this formation, which is the electric and magnetic fluid, which is to say that the irrational animals are under the influence and direction of their architect, the electric and magnetic fluid, everything being pure magnetism, which is the basis of the irrationals. 

Now, the basis of the Rational animals is another one, that is why you are Rationals; 
the basis is Rational, the origin is Rational. And where is this basis? On the RATIONAL 
PLAIN, you originated from the RATIONAL PLAIN. Therefore, the fluid has to be the fluid of your origin, the fluid from the basis of your origin, which is the RATIONAL PLAIN. The basis of the irrational animals is the electric and magnetic fluids and the basis of origin of the Rational animals is the RATIONAL PLAIN, your place of origin. 

Then, the irrational animals under the electric and magnetic fluid of their origin and the Rational animals under the fluids of their origin, the Rational Fluid, of the basis of origin, guided by the Rational Fluid from the RATIONAL PLAIN, the basis of origin. 

Now is it that you are knowing and getting to know why you are like that, because until now you ignored the bases of origin and of the classification of beings: the beings from up there and the beings from down here. 

The classification: the Rational is from up there, the basis of origin and the irrational 
animal from over here in this hole, here on this Earth, in this pure magnetic, in the electric and magnetic. Then now, everyone will undergo a great modification in the 
world. Why? By means of the knowledge of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, of the fluid of one’s Rational Origin, you will be guided by the true basis of Rational Origin. Well, of course you are going to undergo a great modification, because you were in this hole being guided by the electric and magnetic, by the basis of the irrationals, which is the cause of all unbalance of everything and of all. 

Now, with this great discovery, each one is guided by one’s basis of origin; the Rational animals guided by their basis of origin and the irrational by their basis of origin. 

Then, that is when you will get everything right, because you will be guided by your basis of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN, through the Rational Fluid, which enters one’s “I” and does the connection with one’s basis of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN..."


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