Postagens em Destaque

terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2020


 "...The immunization is of the Rational Part and the electric and magnetic is of this 

deformation bunch, of this electric and magnetic world, of a force originated by the sun, which gave origin to this electric and magnetic bunch. Radioactivity is a fluid, you feel it, but do not see it, the atom is a fluid, you feel it, but do not see it, electricity is a fluid, you see it, but do not feel it. 

The microbes, those that lenses can see and those that lenses cannot. Everything that comprises this electric and magnetic fluidic nature of matter, everything that exists, has its fluids. All plants have their perfume, their smell, their odors, their gases good and bad. It is an assembly of different fluids and gases that each being exudes in a magnetic combustion way, a fluid, that acts on the human being causing the unbalance in thought, the unbalance. Thought does not stop, due to this fluidic combustion exuded by the beings. 

To exist in the human being the normal balance and adjustment, the only thing that 
can balance the human being is the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which is an 
influence from a different pole, which comes from the RATIONAL PLAIN, adjusting and balancing the living beings. And without the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, the unbalance remains in everyone and that is why the world has always kept this unbalance, and the unbalance of the world and of everyone is due to this deformed combustion. 

You are now getting to know the reason for all of this, and for everyone’s balance and 
everyone’s adjustment, you only need to become immune by getting to know what the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is. The immunization is from the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

So, there is the Rational Fluid and the fluid from the deformation, which is the electric and magnetic. The Rational Fluid balances the electric and magnetic part because the human being is deformed, affected by this unbalance caused by these two currents 
and that are the cause of everyone’s and everything’s unbalance and of nature getting into shock against everything due to the unbalance. And the RATIONAL IMMINIZATION balances everybody and everything. 

And so, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is the most needed thing for the human being’s life and for everything, because once Rationally immune, one connects with the RATIONAL PLAIN, receiving all needed guidance for the balance of life, one will receive all clarifications needed for the human being’s balance, for everyone’s good, for everyone’s happiness, for everyone’s peace, for everyone’s harmony, for everyone’s tranquility. So, it is a perfect and complete balance because it is from the Rational being. 

The nervous diseases will be cured through the good fluid, through the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. So, to get all of this, you only have to read and know, so you can feel what the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is; only to everyone’s good, in all points of view. 

To become immune means to join the pure ones on the RATIONAL PLAIN. Talk to the pure ones, understand the pure ones, and get all precise clarifications given by the 
pure ones; return to be close to the pure ones, because you were once pure ones as well and that is why you are aware as to where you came from, how you came, where you are going to, and how you are going, which is the return to its natural state, which is the RATIONAL PLAIN, of the fluid that originated your being. You deformed yourselves into Rational animals, and because you are Rational beings, you return to your place of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN, because there is no effect without a cause. 

The cause that originated this being, which is the body, and the fluid that is deformed 
originated the microbes for the formation of the body. Once immune, the immunization grabs this body, or each one’s fluid, the fluid that originated each body, and takes it to its place of origin. Thus, there is no effect without a cause. All effect has its cause. If all of this exists, it is because there is a cause for the existence of this or that. All effect is produced by a cause, and that is why there is no effect without a cause. 

If there were no cause, there would be no beings, there would be no life. If there exists life, it is because there exists a cause that originates life. This is necessary to be repeated like this, because among those who do understand, there are also those who do not understand. These repetitions are for the confused ones, for those who do not understand, who take long to understand that which is so clear, under their noses, they are stuck, closed off, such that one has to pound a lot to awake one for this one to be able to interpret. All the reason for the body in electric and magnetic fluidic matter are in the good fluid and evil is in the bad fluid, and all balance is in the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. So, see to become immune for your own good.


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Devemos percorrer o caminho inverso da descida da deformação para reencontrarmos o infinito, pois a ciência humana segue a série dos efeitos...