Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2020


 "...The classification: the Rational is from up there, the basis of origin and the irrational animal from over here in this hole, here on this Earth, in this pure magnetic, in the electric and magnetic. Then now, everyone will undergo a great modification in the world. Why? By means of the knowledge of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, of the fluid of one’s Rational Origin, you will be guided by the true basis of Rational Origin. 

Well, of course you are going to undergo a great modification, because you were in this hole being guided by the electric and magnetic, by the basis of the irrationals, which is the cause of all unbalance of everything and of all. 

Now, with this great discovery, each one is guided by one’s basis of origin; the Rational animals guided by their basis of origin and the irrational by their basis of origin. 

Then, that is when you will get everything right, because you will be guided by your basis of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN, through the Rational Fluid, which enters one’s “I” and does the connection with one’s basis of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

Due to you not knowing why you were like that and why you were living over there, you were being guided by a basis you did not belong to, the basis of the electric and magnetic. That is why nothing worked out in this world. The more you tried to get things right, the more it failed because you were being guided by a basis that was not yours, the electric and magnetic. And now, you know the reason for all of this and your basis of origin of Rational animals everyone is being guided by a different part from what you were before. There will be a great change in the world for everyone’s well-being, for everyone’s happiness, for the true well-being and the true happiness. Then yes, the balance of the world and the balance of everyone because everyone will be guided by one’s true basis of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN, by the RATIONAL SUPERIOR and by the Inhabitants of the RATIONAL PLAIN, because you were being guided by a basis that was not yours, the electric and magnetic. 

You did not know your true basis of origin due to you not knowing why you are like that, where you came from, where you are going to and how you are going to, due to you being enchanted by magnetism, ignorant of the true basis of origin, generation, creation, and formation, completely ignorant of why you were like that. Today you know, seeing how much waste of time battling in the electric and magnetic, in the magnetism.

To be connected by one’s fluid of origin, you only need to read daily to get to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is. After you get to truly know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, the Rational Fluid enters the person’s “I” and does connect with the RATIONAL PLAIN. Then you start to get all precise orientation for your balance in this life. You only need to read everyday to become immune by the Rational Fluid, the fluid of the true basis of Rational Origin. 

Then, there it is, the person in life connected to eternity, getting to eternity due to receiving all orientation given and transmitted by the eternal ones from the RATIONAL PLAIN. The person becomes connected in this life to eternity. Greatest happiness cannot exist. There it is, the true happiness that always has been talked about in the electric and magnetic, but never has been found and never could have been found because of everything being magnetism, magnetized beings, magnetically. 

There it is, the separation is made. The electric and magnetic fluids, here from this 
hole, here from Earth, and the Rational Fluid, from the RATIONAL PLAIN, from 
eternity. Then, there it is, the ones from above, which are the Rational animals, and the ones from down here, which are the irrational animals. Then, kudos for everyone, all integrated in eternity. 

Then, everyone entering eternity by the fluid of your origin, the Rational Fluid. 

Everyone, everyone enters eternity, because everyone belongs to eternity. The fluid, everyone’s origin is from eternity, is from up above, from the RATIONAL PLAIN, that is why you are Rational animals, because you are from the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

Everyone belongs to eternity and by means of the fluid of your origin you stay connected to eternity. Over there on Earth living, but connected to eternity by means of the fluid of your origin, the Rational Fluid, which belongs to the Rational animals, from the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

Everyone entering eternity. Everyone enters eternity by means of one’s fluid of origin, from the RATIONAL PLAIN and understanding, communicating with the eternal ones from the RATIONAL PLAIN, conferencing, receiving all of the precise and necessary instructions for the well balance of this life, while you stay in this life, on this ground, but guided and directed by eternity, by the fluid of your origin from the RATIONAL PLAIN. And so, everyone is living happy and very happy, content and very content forever. 

Living in this hole, in the electric and magnetic, with the life of suffering, suffering because of the electric and magnetic fluid, without peace, disappointed, unbalanced, a true nuthouse, the electric and magnetic because the electric and magnetic does not provide anyone with balance and that is why the unbalance is great and the monstrosities, never mind those, due to the unbalance due to the electric and magnetic. 

Magnetism only produces evil, magnetism only does evil, magnetism is the source of evil’s origin and that is why in the electric and magnetic you only had to live badly, doing evil, good for some and bad for some others, saying the following: “-One cannot be good to everyone”, due to the electric and magnetic, which brings everyone in this unbalance. 

The electric and magnetic is there only to guide the irrationals. The human being, the way they were guided, by the electric e magnetic, only had to indeed suffer a lot. 

Today, everyone knowing, getting to know, and seeing the origin of everything, of everyone, and the reason for this great confusion of life to be like this way, to the point where many were living because they had life, but not that they had pleasure living. This because of the electric and magnetic. 

Now, everything arrived Rationally, everything arriving Rationally, everyone living Rationally, everything shining Rationally and there existing satisfaction to live because you know why you are living, due to you living under the pure, clean, and perfect influence, the Rational influence. 

Everything always from good to better, but the way you were living, under the influence of the electric and magnetic, always everything of evil. The electric and magnetic does not give anyone peace, as you are seeing, everyone is living hysterically, because the electric and magnetic does not give peace to no one, it is totally unbalanced and then, all ruins. As soon as humanity gets to know the origin of its true being and of all knowledge in the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, you will refuse the electric and magnetic, no one will any longer want to be under the rule of this annoying thing. No one will any longer want to be under the rule of evil, under the domination of evil, under the electric and magnetic. All will embrace the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, you will turn your backs to the electric and magnetic, due to you not being from that basis. You had your basis mixed up because you did not know your origin..."


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AI ESTÁ O LIVRO DEUS Fui curada de uma doença que me perseguia há 20 anos. Minhas pernas já estavam tão fracas, que não me obedeciam de man...