Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2020



It is in your hand the greatest discovery in the world, the discovery of everyone’s origin, where everyone came from, before you were like the way you are, deformed ones, the reason why you were no longer the way you were, pure, clean, and perfect Rationals, to become the way you are now, deformed ones, without any solutions. And so, today, knowing your origin of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals, everyone will be dominated and guided by the fluid of their origin, the Rational Fluid, by the fluid of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, because you are of Rational Origin, and that is why you were called Rational animals, due to you being of that origin, and not of this origin of irrational animals. 

Through the Rational Fluid, the fluid of the Origin, comes about the complete balance, the perfect balance of the Rational being. You will go through a great modification, because you were under the control of the electric and magnetic, the animal fluid. 

The fluid of your true natural of Rational is very different and much different from that of the animal. That is why you will change greatly, but naturally, without noticing, because it is of everyone’s natural. Then, this fluid talks to the person, which is the natural of the person, conferences with the person, clarifies all that is necessary, all that is necessary for the balance of the person, in summary, all that is needed. 

This fluid enters inside the person, puts itself into the ‘I’ of the person and puts the 
electric and magnetic, the fluid of the animal, out of the person. The person loses the animal instinct because he is no longer under the influence of the fluid from the irrational. 

Then, the animal instinct, that comes from the animal electric and magnetic fluid, ceases to exist in the person, because the Rational Fluid has entered. The Rational Fluid kicks the animal fluid out of the body and the person loses the animal instinct and starts to become balanced due to the influence of the pure and natural, without feeling it, without any turmoil of any kind, without effort, very naturally. 

And so, the modification of the beings comes about, each one in one’s place, and the Rational animal in his place. The Rational fends off the animal fluid from within the inside of the person by means of the Rational Fluid and the person starts to breath pure oxygen, coming about the balance of the human being, the happiness of the human being; all suffering of the person’s life ends. 

With the electric and magnetic fluid, the animal fluid, the person was only breathing carbon, because it is the fluid of evil origin, the irrational fluid, and then, all of bad was happening in the person’s life, the unbalance, all of evil on the person, due to you being guided and dominated by the electric and magnetic fluid, the animal fluid, of the animal.

The fluid makes the person rude, makes a beast out of the person, makes the person 
become wild, with endless kinds of temperaments, a hellish unbalance; it produces bad behaviors, nervousness, diseases. All of that produced by the electric and magnetic fluid, the animal fluid, cause of so much unbalance of the human being, of all illnesses, of all diseases, of all that is of bad because it is the fluid of the animal, the evil fluid, the electric and magnetic. That is why everyone was living badly, not accepting life like that, without being aware, without knowing the reason for being like that and much less the reason for becoming like that. 

Today, with the history of the origin of the world’s formation, of the enchantment, 
you know and are aware of the reason for everything and for you to have become like that. It will reign among all, for everyone’s good, for everyone’s happiness, foreveryone’s salvation, the fluid of the origin of the human being, the fluid of the Rational animal, the fluid of the base of origin, the RATIONAL FLUID, from where you all came out of, from where you all came. And then comes the whole happiness of the human being, the whole happiness of all in the world because you will no longer be guided by the fluid of monsters, but by the fluid of your true natural of Rational animals. 

There it is, everyone’s balance in the world and of the world. The electric and magnetic getting away from the human being, coming out of the human being and the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION reigning, the Rational Fluid, and then comes about everyone’s good, just like the animal fluid entered the ‘I’ of the person, which is an electric and magnetic apparatus. 

The electric and magnetic keeps the person from being able to stop thinking. So, the fluid of the true natural of the person enters the body of the person, enters the ‘I’ of the person, the Rational Fluid, and kicks the animal fluid out, and then comes about the balance of the person, everything working out in the person’s life, the person is guided for everything, and then comes about general wellbeing, serenity, peace, happiness, satisfaction to live because of living happily. The electric and magnetic is pure evil. 

Electricity is fire, because deformation happened, as you know, in the beginning. And the magnetic, the magnetic fluid is pure evil. Now, the person subject to these two animal fluids had only to become unconscious. And so, the world was characterized as a nuthouse. 

Everyone is the same, because you are of one being only the human being, but you 
are all distinct because you all think differently of one another. That is the reason of the unbalance produced by the animal fluid, the electric and magnetic fluid, reason for all human being’s suffering, for all monstrosities, for all wildness; the electric and magnetic fluid, the fluid of the free-thinkers, which are the Rational animals. 

At last has come the time for you to know and be aware of the reason for the world to 
be like that, one against the other, due to the animal fluid, which caused all of this 
unbalance of the human being be insatiable like that. The fluid of the being, of the human being’s origin, because everyone is of Rational origin and that is why you are Rational animals, the fluid of everyone’s origin is what will now dominate all, direct all, guide all, talk to all. The fluid of the base of origin of the Rational animals, which is the human being. Just like the electric and magnetic fluid enters the ‘I’ of the person, the Rational Fluid also enters, but much more naturally, because it is of the origin of the person. The Rational Fluid enters in the person’s ‘I’ in that the ‘I’ of the person is the house of the fluid. The ‘I’ of the person is where the fluids dwell.

The Rational Fluid, when entering in the person, it places itself in the person’s ‘I’ and the person becomes immune. Once immune, the person gets all necessary guidance for one’s balance and longevity because the person will no longer be hit by the evil fluids, which are the electric and magnetic, where all evil is gathered, all diseases are gathered, all poison is gathered. Once the fluid of the being of the person’s origin, which is the Rational Fluid, inside the person’s ‘I’, the person is no longer affected by the electric and magnetic fluid, by the poisonous fluid, by the fluid of evil origin, which is the electric and magnetic..."


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