Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2020



"...No one understood each other, no one comprehended each other. And you could not comprehend each other, you could not understand each other because you were dominated and guided by a basis that was not yours, by a basis that was different from yours of Rational origin, the basis of the irrational animal. That is why all of evil had to exist. Even nature itself, and because of that it was revolted against its inhabitants. That is the reason for evil done and produced by nature, by the revolt of nature, making us comprehend and understand that everyone came here by mistake, out of one’s basis of origin. 

Now, everyone knows one’s true being, the reason why you were Rational animals. 

Everyone knows why you were Rational animals and you seek contact with your basis of origin by means of your fluid of origin, the Rational Fluid. Then everyone will be guided from good to better. Everyone balanced, everything working out in the life of the person, everything multiplying from good to better and being satisfied to live because you will plive happy, merry, and content because everything will work out, because everything will go well, guided and directed by your true basis of origin, which you did not know. You knew you were Rational animals, but you did not know where this Rational basis was, where the Rational Origin was. You did not know and lived like animals, as an irrational animal, which does not know anything about describing its origin. The Rational animal, with this life of adventures, of dreams, of endless experiences, suffers from the consequences of the brutalities of the electric and magnetic, of the influences of the irrational. 

The unbalance, because you are not from this basis, you were not from this basis, you all had to end up unbalanced and not understanding one another. There is no effect without a cause. 

The cause of the human being’s unbalance is this one: you were being guided by a basis that was not yours, by a nature that was not yours, that is why each one has one’s basis of guidance. The Rational animal guided by one’s Rational basis and the irrational animal, guided by one’s irrational basis, the basis of the electric and magnetic, the basis of the irrational. You were being guided by this basis, due to you not knowing your true origin, you had to suffer a lot, without knowing why, without knowing how to justify why you suffered like that, since you did not know how to justify the unbalance of the human being. 

You did not know because you did not know your true basis of origin and today you know the basis of the Rational animal and the basis of the irrational animal. The basis of the Rational animal is from the RATIONAL PLAIN, it is from up there and the basis of the irrational animal is here, from the electric and magnetic, from down here, it is that basis without bearing, that you are until today looking for a direction and you never found one, the basis of the mysteries, the basis of the enigmas, the basis of the enchantment, it is the basis of the irrational. 

The Rational, who does not know how to describe one’s formation, how you were formed, was living like the irrational, due to not knowing how to describe your formation, your origin. Originating from where? No one knew it because you were living over there on Earth, horribly like that. 

Living like the irrational, which does not know how to give a solution to its origin or of the origin of where it lives because the irrational does not have reasoning, it is from the electric and magnetic, the irrational is a free-thinker, it thought this nature to be strange, an undecipherable thing, full of surprises. Now everyone is happy and content, which is not unexpected because you found, are aware of, and know the reason for all of this and your true basis of origin, the goal of the Rational being, the goal of the true and natural being, originated from the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

Originating from the RATIONAL PLAIN, now you understand each other by means of the Rational Fluid, of everyone’s origin, of your basis of origin, everyone arriving at a total balance, the Rational balance. 

The balance that everyone since long has been seeking for but did not know where to find it due to being guided by a different basis from yours, the basis of the irrational animal. It made life an enigma and everyone enigmatic. You lived in adventures, from experiences to experiences to see whether you got it right or not and the wrong things always multiplying..."


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TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Quando se trata de uma base como esta, Racional, tudo sempre de bem para melhor, multiplicando-se sempre, culminan...