Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2021


"-And the moon? Why does it wane and later get full and makes these modifications?" Due to its great magnetic action. When it is with its radiation very strong, it is very visible and as it transmits, it wanes. It receives the charge when it waxes, it enlarges and after full, it starts to discharge. Due that the waning part is good for everything.

The moon, because it is of great magnetic action, is what has an effect on everything and everyone. It is a magnetic body, like the feminine body, which is also set to receive charges and to discharge. When it is discharging, it is regulating with her moon until the charge runs out. Finished the charge, anything else is seen and it starts to charge again. So is the moon; after charged, we see it big and beautiful and after discharged, disappeared and nothing else is seen. It does not disappear; it seems to disappear, because it is a body of magnetic effect. Charged it is visible, discharged it is invisible. In all of those modifications is that comes what is called the full when it is charged; first quarter, when it is charging; last quarter, when it is discharging; and new moon, when it is completely discharged, thus forming the four moon quarters. And those movements are provided because the nature is itself an electric and magnetic conjunct, working the moon as a charging and discharging battery by the effluvium of the waves and currents of the own nature. 

The moon has, thus, with its magnetic influence a great influence on matter, an influence that all material beings obey to; depending on its regulation, due to the electric and magnetic fluids it produces. The stars, the same way, with their electric and magnetic effluviums. They are electric and magnetic bodies, formed from the essence of matter, as you know how, from the virtues of the resin and the deformed plain. 

Virtues are lives and these lives correspond to other lives. 

The stars are electric and magnetic bodies, because nature is, also, electric and magnetic. These bodies bright above all terrestrials, and are components of the same nature, with different formation, due the deformation of beings.


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