Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2021




First, the fluid of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION; second,the electric and magnetic fluid. Due to you being electric and magnetic apparatus, made by this electric and magnetic fluidic conjunct that is the reason the communication being natural. The fluid of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is from everyone’s place of origin, that is why you are Rational animals. Once oriented by your base of origin, through the Rational Fluid, evil will cease, all illness will cease, because it is the positive base, because from there the perfect equilibrium comes, the experiences cease, everything will be all right, due to being Rational. 

You will be right in everything and you will always be from good to better, due to the orientation being Rational, done by the Rational Fluid. Then, the experiences cease. You will no longer need to live from experiences, as you have always lived, always experimenting to get it right or not. 

The Rational Fluid provides the perfect adjustment, the perfect equilibrium of everyone, due to it being Rational, the true base of the origin of everyone, which is RATIONAL PLAIN, which is from where everyone came and to where everyone is going. Whereas, staying as you were, under the influence of this unbalanced base of the deformation, of the enchantment, you 
could never have found the desired equilibrium, which you have been seeking since long. 

Since long you have been searching through all means for the equilibrium of the world and of everyone, but you have never found it, nor could find it, for being under the influence of the deformed fluid, there in the electric and magnetic enchantment.

For being deformed and being under this action of the electric and magnetic fluid, it is that the disequilibrium of everyone has always reigned. Everyone looking for equilibrium in the world and each time more unbalanced, due to the electric and magnetic action being destructive. 

The electric and magnetic fluid is from the destructive enchantment part, it is the fluid of matter, the fluid of evil, the fluid that only does evil, for being magnetic and electric, and for this, you are always in search of the true good and you have never found it, but only the apparent good. The person is well today, he seems to be well today; tomorrow he is ill, because everything is appearances. 

Today you are young, in illusion with the appearances, tomorrow you are old, then, come the disillusions and you say: "- How I deceived myself with this life, searching for good and well until today and never finding them." 

So, the electric and magnetic apparatus, which are the human beings lived dominated by those two electric and magnetic fluids, and ended up in that disequilibrium, searching equilibrium without finding it and without knowing why you were like that or why you are like that. Today you know the reason for everyone’s disequilibrium, the causer for everyone’s disequilibrium, which is the electric and magnetic fluid, due to you being under the dominion of those two deformed fluids of the deformation, which is an electric and magnetic fluidic conjunct. 

The human beings, for being made by that formation, you are electric and magnetic apparatus, driven and oriented by the electric and magnetic fluid, you could never find the equilibrium in anyway, as you indeed never found it and that is why today is one thing, tomorrow another, afterward something else, and so on.

You could never find happiness, due to the disequilibrium of these varying forces, which make the beings be all variants and 
make the disequilibrium reign. As you see nature, how much unbalanced it is, and so all the beings, due to the electric and magnetic action from Rational Origin; for being from RATIONAL PLAIN and communicating with your base of origin, your place of origin, through the Rational Fluid. Everyone receiving this Fluid. 

Due to you being electric and magnetic apparatus, the Rational Fluid gets in the apparatus, in the “I” of the person, and gets rid of the perturbing electric and magnetic fluid and the person is then guided and oriented by the fluid of your true natural, of your base of Rational Origin. Then, everything works right, because what is Rational does not deviate from its Being, everything goes in a equilibrium, everything works right, being right in everything, the experiences ending, the doubts, due to the magnetic and the electric being out of the human being action. 

Then, it is there, how the equilibrium will arise to everyone and how the true happiness will arise; instead of you being guided by the destructive electric and magnetic fluid, you will be guided by the fluid of your true natural. With the electric and magnetic, you were bad and lived badly, and with the fluid of the true natural, everything is very different, from good to better. 

Then, the disequilibrium is done by the electric and magnetic and the equilibrium is through the Rational Fluid. It is there, the fluid of good and happiness, which is the Rational Fluid, and the evil fluid, which is the electric and magnetic. 

Everyone wants good, not evil. Everyone is in search of good, and not of evil. 

Then, grab to the Rational Fluid, the fluid of your true natural, which is the Rational Fluid of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.

The origin is this one, due to that you are Rational animals and for everyone’s sake, only the fluid of everyone’s true natural, and not those deformed electric and magnetic fluids, which are the causers of all ruins in the world, of all evil, because those two fluids do not allow people to stop thinking, due to them being electric and magnetic apparatus and from that, the disequilibrium. 

The person does not stop thinking and the disequilibrium comes about, the head, which is the watch, where both, the electric and magnetic fluids work. Due to not stopping thinking, you start to vary and that is why you are crazy appearing to be well, mad appearing to be well, and turning the world into a hospice, due to everyone thinking differently, due to everyone varying like that. 

The disequilibrium of the beings, produced by that electric and magnetic variation, is due to the true natural of the humans not being this deformed one, but you are indeed from Rational Origin; and for being from Rational Origin, for you to be equilibrated, only through the fluid of your true natural, the Rational Fluid. Due to you being from Rational Origin, you are Rational animals. 

Then, for you to become immunized and receive the Rational Fluid, you need to read with persistence to know whatRATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is. It is not reading one time, because you forget and later you will not know anything; it is necessary to read every day until you know and know how to relate it, talk about what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is. 

Then, there it is, first, the fluid of your base of origin, the Rational Fluid; second, the same fluid; and third, the same fluid, and always everything in your base of origin, RATIONAL PLAIN.

Due to you being Rational animals, it is the reason that everything needs to be from your base of origin, for everything to work right. Then, congratulations for everyone in the world, for being there the divulgation, the definition of the origin of the beings and of everything and all that comprises this enchantment, which no one has ever disenchanted, until now, the blessed disenchantment.


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TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Quando se trata de uma base como esta, Racional, tudo sempre de bem para melhor, multiplicando-se sempre, culminan...