"Religion is not just one, there are hundreds. Spirituality is only one; The religion is for those who sleep. Spirituality is for those who are awake;
Religion is for those who need someone to tell them what to do and want to be guided. Spirituality is for those who pay attention to their Inner Voice;
the religion have a set of dogmatic rules. Spirituality invites you to reason about everything, to question everything;
The religion threatens and frightens. Spirituality gives you Inner Peace;
Religion speaks of sin and guilt. Spirituality tells you to "learn from error";
Religion represses everything, makes you false. Spirituality transcends everything, it makes you real; Religion is not God. Spirituality is Everything and therefore is God;
Religion invents. Spirituality finds out;
Religion does not inquire or question. Spirituality questions everything;
Religion is human, is an organization with rules. Spirituality is Divine, without rules;
Religion is a cause of division. Spirituality is a cause of unity;
Religion seeks you to believe. You have to seek spirituality;
Religion follows the precepts of a sacred book. Spirituality seeks the sacred in all the books;
Religion feeds on fear. Spirituality is nourished by trust and faith;
Religion makes thinking live. Spirituality makes consciousness live;
Religion is concerned with doing. Spirituality is concerned with being;
Religion feeds the ego. Spirituality makes us transcend;
Religion makes us renounce the world. Spirituality makes us live in God, not renounce Him;
Religion is worship. Spirituality is meditation;
Religion dreams of glory and paradise. Spirituality makes us live in glory and paradise here and now;
Religion lives in the past and in the future. Spirituality lives in the present;
Religion cloisters our memory. Spirituality frees our conscience;
Religion believes in eternal life. Spirituality makes us aware of eternal life;
Religion promises after death. Spirituality is to find God within us during life ”.
(Pierre Teilhard)
Translated: by Joyce Barros