Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2021


"...This enchanted world has like that become a world of unconscious ones because it is not the true world and that is why it ends. Now, to be conscious ones, you need to get to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is to receive the Rational Fluid inside one’s “I” and connect to the RATIONAL PLAIN, receiving all precise guidance to progress rationally, to progress consciously and not like that, horribly, unconsciously. I don’t blame you for you to be like that, for you to be in that situation, because you did not know your true natural, which you are now knowing. Such that, for those who did not know your natural, it could not be any other way, it had to be like that, with these puzzles. There it is, the reason for you all to become materialistic, in this game of adventures. Due to you being like that, everything of evil had to exist: envy, ambition, greed, betrayals, unhappiness, hypocrisy, falseness, lies, jealousness, pretending. Due to you being like that, everything of evil had to exist. Due to you being nothing, total unbalance had to be there, common among all. 

There could not be tranquility and peace because no one was ever satisfied. Always dissatisfaction reigning among all, pretending to be satisfied and others dissatisfied. 

Because of this to be like that, there was never the desired balance in this enchanted world. Today pretending to be satisfied, tomorrow dissatisfied; today good friends, tomorrow foes; today you are well, tomorrow you are bad and so on. A total unbalance because everything is appearance and nothing else. Because everything is a being of lies, you had to be like that, confused ones, not trusting, hypocritical, a sea of mud in this mud which is matter. Matter is not much more than mud. 

What a tough adventure you went through, deforming yourselves until you destroyed 
yourselves like that. The adventure ended in nothing. There it is, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION for the recovery of everyone, for you to arrive at your true place of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals. This day had to arrive and it did. There it is, the knowledge of all this history of this world, for everyone to arrive at one’s true place of origin of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals. This is a simple criticism of this enchantment in turmoil.

With the Rational Fluid inside the person, inside the apparatus, the person gets connected to the RATIONAL PLAIN, because the Rational Fluid is inside the apparatus, and so connecting to the RATIONAL PLAIN. Once connected to the RATIONAL PLAIN, you are in contact with the RATIONAL PLAIN day and night by the Rational Fluid, which is of the true natural of the person and it stays inside the person, inside the apparatus, staying connected to the RATIONAL PLAIN, receiving all needed guidance, the balance coming about in the person, the Rational balance. 

Now, the electric and magnetic fluid is inside the “I” of the people, of the apparatuses connected to this electric and magnetic assembly, to this unbalanced nature. There it is, the cause and the origin of the unbalance of the human being, due to the electric and magnetic fluid, which is connected inside the “I” of the person, to this electric and magnetic assembly. This electric and magnetic assembly does not regulate, which is nature. How can the person regulate? In no way. That is why everyone is unbalanced, unregulated. There are the reasons for the craziness, of all the bad things done by the electric and magnetic unbalance, which is connected to the apparatus, inside the “I” of the person. You will make this great shift from the unbalance, from the electric and magnetic, to the balance, to the Rational. Now, with the fluid of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION inside the “I” of everyone, inside the apparatus, everyone will be connected to the RATIONAL PLAIN; and then the eternal balance, everything multiplying of good and well, everything working out. The balanced one is right, always right and the unbalanced by the electric and magnetic always wrong, always getting things wrong, always from bad to worse, from worse to worse. You will make a big change from unbalance to balance, from irrational to Rational. 

Once connected to the RATIONAL PLAIN, you will understand yourselves day and night with the inhabitants of the RATIONAL PLAIN. The inhabitants of the RATIONAL PLAIN get in contact with the person, remain in contact with the person and then the Rational balance. The thought is governed by good, by the good thing and so, everything goes well, everything is good, you are no longer governed by the evil from the electric and magnetic, thinking bad, living bad. 

The electric and magnetic, because it is evil, does not let anyone in peace. No one has peace in this world due to the electric and magnetic. 


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orders@universeindisenchantment.comoreuadorovoces@yahoo.comor by phone:(562) 818-473



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