Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2021



The book of the acquittal of the condemnation from death. You will no longer get to be exterminated. In the book “UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT” is all transcription of the acquittal of this condemnation of extermination. 

The world is an electric and magnetic fluidic assembly. Due to the world being an electric and magnetic fluidic assembly, all that exists in the world is of an electric and magnetic fluidic origin. Therefore, the most powerful force of this electric and magnetic fluidic assembly is in the fluids. It is the most powerful force of generation, formation, and creation. 

So, in the fluid is everything. On the fluid, all formation of the beings depends. All beings are of an electric and magnetic fluidic formation, and because everything is of a fluidic formation, you are unstable as you are over there. You are generated, born, you grow, flourish, and disappear because the fluid passes by, the fluid is temporary, the fluid is the everything that comprises the generation, formation, and creation. Because everything is of fluidic origin, each being has its fluid. 

Each being is comprised of a fluid in this changing and deformed nature as it is. 

There exists endless fluids all different from one another, and because there exists endless fluids all different from one another, everyone is different from one another and everything is different from each other, because everything is of a fluidic origin. In the fluid is everything. In the fluid is the formation of this apparent everything, and in so being, each one, everyone has its own fluid that formed oneself, that generated the microbes for the formation of one’s body. 

Each one has its fluid. So, the immunization gets this fluid and takes it to the RATIONAL PLAIN, the place of origin, and then the person will no longer be born over there, because what caused the person to be born is no longer in that heat over there, in that deformation over there. And so, there is no effect without its cause. The cause of the microbe is the fluid; the cause of the body is the microbe. 

If there is no fluid, there are no microbes; if there are no microbes, there are no beings; if there is no heat, there is no fluid; if there is no Sun, there is no heat. If there were no virtues from the bodies before these ones that were being lost and gathered and that then formed this focus of light, the Sun would also not exists. If there were not the inhabitants that left the Rational Part to enter the piece of the Plain that was not yet ready to enter progress, this deformation would also not exist. 

There it is, the way the redemption is done. The salvation of the person is over there; the way everyone will return to their place of origin, because you are of Rational origin. 

The day had to come for you to be aware of your origin and the reason for you to become Rational animals, out of your place of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN, up above were the others are with their progress of purity. Through the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION this fluid that formed your being is gotten and taken to the place of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

And so the transformation of this deformation will come by means of the progress of transformation of this deformation to its natural state, which is of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals. And then everyone will be in their true place of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals. From Rational animals, due to being deformed, returning to the place of origin of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals. 

Therefore, do not waste time any longer. Do read to get to know your origin, your formation, the way you were formed, where you came from, where you are going to and so on. 

The fluid is everything - all of good and all of bad. There is the good fluid and the bad fluid. The bad fluid is so because it is deformed. Once it goes to the RATIONAL PLAIN it turns good, because evil is only here in matter, and only here in matter it deformed into fire, it became bad. But in matter you only talk about the good fluid, but none of the fluids is good because matter is bad. So, all fluids are evil because they are deformed. 

But once leaving here from inside the fire, it returns to its natural state because it cools down, it loses it deformed part and returns to the natural of pure, clean, and perfect on the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

Here in matter one speaks of good and one speaks of bad, but everything is bad because it is deformed, because it is of a bad origin, because it of the origin of matter and in matter there is nothing of good. There exists the apparent good, but appearances are no truths. If you were good ones, you would not be over there in matter. Matter cannot be good, it is enough to be matter to be bad. So, where is the good in matter? Nowhere. 

Where is the wellness in matter? Nowhere. 
In fact, the fluid is deformed as evil in this material deformation. Once leaving from this enchanted part, evil leaves and the fluid returns to its pure form because it cools off, it leaves from within this fire, from within this electric and magnetic assembly, returning to its place of origin. It is a body that has life, but it a different life because it is a pure life among the pure ones of your place of origin of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals. 

Therefore, the fluidic life, the electric and magnetic fluid is the reason of this life, the 
reason of these beings, and the reason of all that exists in the world. There it is, a little piece of the formation of the beings to better illustrate what the fluid is. 


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