Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2021



Due to us being from Rational Origin we were qualified as Rational animals. And once being developed this being that everyone did not know through RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, the person starts, then, to get in contact with RATIONAL SUPERIOR, due to us being from Rational Origin. 

And so, having the contact, there is the clarification and orientations from RATIONAL SUPERIOR to all people. There it is, the world arriving at its true place, of one for all and all for one. Who is this one? It is RATIONAL SUPERIOR, and we are the all for one. You will receive all precise and necessary orientation to your equilibrium. There it is the happiness in general. Everyone being happy due to finding your true origin, which is where you came from and where you are going to. 

Where are you going to? To your place of origin, for developing this being that everyone has but was unaware of, which is the Rational being and that is why you were qualified as Rational animals. Once this being being developed by the knowledge of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, you will get in contact with RATIONAL SUPERIOR, who is up there, inRATIONAL PLAIN, where everyone came from. And then,everyone close to the true Savior, understanding and talking with the true Savior, due to all being of Rational Origin and having the faculty of understanding one another due to being Rational animals, that became as you are due to freewill. And so, everyone eternally saved.

The Rational gift all have, but you did not know why you were considered Rational animals. Now you are knowing the reason why, because everyone is from Rational Origin, once that being that everyone has by nature, through the knowledge of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, once developed, get in contact with RATIONAL SUPERIOR and starts to receive all needed and precise orientations for the equilibrium of the human being. 

And so, everyone, due to being from Rational Origin, has to arrive to one’s place, due to the origin being this one, due to the being being this one, due to the true way being this one, of the true Eternal Father, as you use to say. Everyone brilliantly saved by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, with the plant of your being, of your nature at hand, divulging your being of Rational animal and of all beings that comprise the world. 

And because you did not know your true natural being, as you are knowing now, it is that you were enchanted there in that enchantment, without knowing anything, keeping the mysteries, the enigmas, due to being enchanted ones. 

And now, disenchanted. You disenchanted yourselves, you saved yourselves by the Rational Knowledge, brought to all for everyone’s Immunization. 

To become immunized is to unite yourself to the pure ones from RATIONAL PLAIN, be in contact with the pure ones, understand with pure ones, converse with the pure ones, having all explanation given by the true world of everyone, which is RATIONAL PLAIN. And so, eternally saved. 

Then, who does not want to become immunized? Everyone does! Who does not want to be saved? Everyone does! Who does not want to talk with RATIONAL SUPERIOR? Everyone does!

Who does not accept yours salvation? Everyone does; which is the disenchantment! Then, it is there in the world, the eternal salvation of all. The world in celebration for the rest of life, the 
world in joy for the rest of life, because everyone will live understanding each other Rationally, and not misunderstood like ferocious beasts. 

At the first announcements, the impact will be great; due to no one expecting such a surprise, but the impact is of minutes, because you will soon get to verify it and will become surprised by this truth of truths. 

Rich steps, rich days, rich hours. Brilliant steps, brilliant days, brilliant hours. Everyone understanding with RATIONAL SUPERIOR through what everyone has and did not know. And no one knew why you are like you are. No one knew how you were made and today everyone knowing and happy, glad, due to being saved. Then, the salvation of all depends on knowing what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is. Once knowing, you are eternally saved. There it is, for all to know, for all to save yourselves, because you had enough suffering. 

The greatest brilliant in the world, the greatest richness in the world is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. While you do not know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, you will not beimmunized, and for you to be in contact with RATIONAL SUPERIOR, it is necessary you know to describe what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is.

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(562) 818-473



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