Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 12 de março de 2021



The fluid is everything - all of good and all of bad. There is the good fluid and the bad fluid. The bad fluid is so because it is deformed. Once it goes to the RATIONAL PLAIN it turns good, because evil is only here in matter, and only here in matter it deformed into fire, it became bad. But in matter you only talk about the good fluid,but none of the fluids is good because matter is bad. So, all fluids are evil because they are deformed. 

But once leaving here from inside the fire, it returns to its natural state because it cools down, it loses it deformed part and returns to the natural of pure, clean, and perfect on the RATIONAL PLAIN. 

Here in matter one speaks of good and one speaks of bad, but everything is bad because it is deformed, because it is of a bad origin, because it of the origin of matter and in matter there is nothing of good. There exists the apparent good, but appearances are no truths. If you were good ones, you would not be over there in matter. Matter cannot be good, it is enough to be matter to be bad. So, where is the good in matter? Nowhere. 

Where is the wellness in matter? Nowhere. 

In fact, the fluid is deformed as evil in this material deformation. Once leaving from this enchanted part, evil leaves and the fluid returns to its pure form because it cools off, it leaves from within this fire, from within this electric and magnetic assembly, returning to its place of origin. It is a body that has life, but it a different life because it is a pure life among the pure ones of your place of origin of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals. 

Therefore, the fluidic life, the electric and magnetic fluid is the reason of this life, the 
reason of these beings, and the reason of all that exists in the world. There it is, a little piece of the formation of the beings to better illustrate what the fluid is. The fluid comes from the heat, the heat comes from the Sun, and the Sun comes from the virtues of the bodies before these ones, which were being lost and gathered. From that, the origin of the focus of light came about. 

So, there it is, where you came from, how you came, where you are going to, how you are going to, the beginning of this enchantment and the end of same, the end of enchantment. Because everything is of fluidic origin, everything and everyone is different, from one another. 

The fluid is a living being that produces different lives, because there are no equal ones among the material beings. Just like the human being is a reproducing apparatus of siblings, the fluid is also an apparatus of reproduction, but always of the same being. It always reproduces the same being, and not many beings. 

Each being has its fluid, and so, the fluid is a body of a being of eternal life, different from the material body, like the existence of the inhabitants from space over there, which are electric and magnetic fluidic bodies totally different from the electric and magnetic fluidic matter. 

Therefore, the fluid of this body while it remains deformed over there in that electric and magnetic fluidic assembly, the being that corresponds to it will always be the same one that is born over there, and for it not to any longer be born over there, it is necessary for the person to get to know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, to become immune. 

The immunization gets that fluid, that body that is deformed over there, and takes it to its place of origin. Since this body is as fire in this electric and magnetic assembly, when it leaves out of there, it cools off and returns to the natural. 

And then, it will continue life over there together with the other ones of the RATINAL PLAIN with its progress of purity, and with time, the extinction of this fluidic electric and magnetic body will come about. The extinction of what made the person to be born over here will come about and the person will no longer be here. The person will no longer be born over here, and there it is, the end of the world, as it will be and must be the end of this terrible enchantment. There it is, the end is over there, the beginning of where you came from, how you came, the way you came, and how you came. 


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