Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2021




"Often, the rich man cries and regrets being rich, asking what his wealth is worth, if he has a lot of money, but he doesn't have the main thing, which is peace; he lives in constant worries and the struggles are too much. What good is it to have all this, if he spends nights and nights wanting to sleep and can't  takes, says with himself: - "If the poor had no love for the life he leads, he would revolt against the rich, but for having love for the life he leads, he flaunts his poverty with great satisfaction. He eats his bean dish, doesn't have too many worries, lies down on his bed and doesn't remember anything else. What a happy life these people lead, who live so happily! And what is my happiness, if I appear to be happy and appearances contradict all that. "And so, with worries, the rich end up being the most suffering."  (Page 98/99, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Yes, my friends, when we come to understand and understand that we are living in a world, which is not our real world, it is that we truly understand why rich and poor are not satisfied! A simple comparison: how can you live contentedly living outside your home, your home, your residence, your home? Living favorably in a stranger's house, with what is not yours, without having your real freedom? So it is with us living here in this world of matter, which is not our real world!

And why is the world of matter not our real world? Why are we here, degenerated and deformed from our true natural state! Because we left our real world, by our free and spontaneous will to find out a part, a piece of it, that was not ready to go in progress. Because we are of Rational origin and therefore, philosophically we were classified as Rational Animals! But the right thing should be Rational Animal, because before we were animals we were Rationals, our true origin.  So, origin first and matter second.  Because we are from the top and not from the bottom, because everything came from the top down.

And how to verify, prove and prove our origin, our Rational ancestry?  Very simple and very natural!  Through the Rational Knowledge contained in the Work UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT! And why didn't these Rational Knowledge come to the world before?  Because before we were being prepared by our culture, so that after maturing, we would be able to understand and understand the Culture of our World of Origin!  Yes, my friends, because before we thought that with our culture we would find everything good, beautiful and beautiful and we would find a right way of life that would bring joy, happiness and satisfaction to everyone. So, we had to go through a lapidation process and through it, understand and understand that we were living outside our real place. And that lapidation process was a process of pain, tears and suffering. But here, in the life of matter, everything changes, everything changes, life is one of constant changes and renewals.

So, now, there has been a phase change in nature! The Rational animal phase has ended; the phase of thought and imagination has ended; the phase of experiences, mysteries, riddles and phenomena has ended and a new phase has entered the world: the Rational Phase! This phase brings to the world the knowledge of a new Culture and with it, the bases for the formation of a more evolved human being, the Rational human being, knowledgeable and aware of his true World of Origin!  In addition to this state of consciousness, the human being comes to know how he left his original world and what he must do to return to it! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!

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  TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Eis aí, simples dados para conhecerem temperamentos e o porquê da incompatibilidade de idéias que vão pelo mundo...