Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2021



"And so, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, very soon, will be known to everyone. Deformation has a great influence on mortality. And because the law of deformation is so true, it is that there is a transformation over everything and about all points of view. Everything changes and for everything changes, mortality rules in the world. Nobody dies, nobody disappears and yes, it changes. Everything is done by the law of deformed nature, that's why changes in everything arise from there: about ideas, about wills, thoughts and ways of proceeding. The living, in life, transform their procedures, their customs, their ways of acting, their ways of facing things and enjoying deformation. Because, because they are deformed, they undergo these transformations. "  (Pág. 120/121, 1 °. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: In this section, RATIONAL SUPERIOR honors the Principle of Transformation, once advocated by Lavoisier and which said the following: "in nature, nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed."

Transcending the Principle of Transformation, the inevitable question arises: but why does everything change? What is the objective, the purpose of everything to transform? In a simple and very natural way, RATIONAL SUPERIOR clarifies that everything changes because everything that exists is in the state of deformation, that is, it stopped being what it was, to be what it is today! And what has ceased to be what it was? What is its scope? What ceased to be what it was was us, nature, the world and the universe in which we live! So, what was all this, before it was what it is? What was the real, legitimate state of it all?  And what was there, before all this existed?  The RATIONAL SUPERIOR  clarifies to us, in an irrefutable way, that the RATIONAL WORLD existed with its Inhabitants and a small part of the RATIONAL WORLD, called RATIONAL PLAIN, which was not ready to go in progress and that so many inhabitants of its RATIONAL WORLD  they left, of their own free will, entered the RATIONAL PLAIN and decided to produce it on their own! The result of this progress on its own was the transformation of the RATIONAL PLAIN and, subsequently, its degeneration, deformation, pollution and weakening! This is the beginning of the transformation as it took place, until it reached that state of deformation in which everything and everyone finds us. And transcending even more, RATIONAL SUPERIOR teaches us that everything had to be transformed, so that through transformation, we could reach the funnel point of transformation, which is the transformation of all this deformation into its true natural state, which is the  reconstruction of the RATIONAL PLAIN. What a beautiful and wonderful thing huh, friends!

And because everything is deformed, outside of its natural and legitimate state of being, mortality rules in this world! See, my friends, a fish outside its natural state of being, its natural habitat of being, what happens to it? You die, don't you? So it is with the human being! Because he is out of his habitat, his legitimate place, his World of Origin, he has no right to live, and for that reason, he dies!  That's why we are mortal!

But in truth, nobody dies, nobody disappears, since nothing ends for good;  and yes, it transforms! It changes from one life to another, from one state of being to another, from one body of life to another, from an old, sick body of life, unable to maintain itself, which is failing, to a new, rejuvenated one.  (new generation). Yes, because life is always life and it doesn't end! Like a caterpillar that turns into a cocoon and resurfaces like a butterfly! There is nature proving and proving, with all its wisdom, how nothing and nobody dies!

We learned, in Rational Knowledge, too, that death had to exist to get everyone out of here, out of a world to which we don't belong! So, everyone who is born here is subject to capital punishment, because we are not from here! Until we could truly know each other, to know why we are suffering and mortal and how we can stop being so, through the Rational Knowledge!

And then friends, you must be asking yourself: but if no one dies, no one disappears and instead becomes another body of life, renewed, why then do we not remember what we were in previous lives? Because the transformation from one body of life to another, erases everything that was from the previous life, from the previous body, from the previous life! Simple, isn't it, my friends ?! And you must be asking yourself too: but is there a possibility that we know what we were in previous lives, in past lives? Yes, my friends! The immunized human being knows everything, knows everything, unravels all mysteries and all enigmas, truly knows his past, his present and his future! It is for this and other reasons that RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION will take over the world!

Finally, with RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, the human being will start to live in a Rational, conscious and positive way, another way of life, happier and more complete! So, if today we live crying and martyring ourselves for the loss of our loved ones and our pet friends (for losing direct contact with them after their deaths), with RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION we will be fully aware that they will return to the RATIONAL WORLD! And because we are all developed Rationally, we will maintain contact and understanding with all of them!  So, it is proven and proven that no one dies, no one disappears, since life continues in the RATIONAL WORLD! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational Greetings to all!

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  TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Eis aí, simples dados para conhecerem temperamentos e o porquê da incompatibilidade de idéias que vão pelo mundo...