Once the living being is immunized, the understanding is from the place of origin and so, the fluid is what dominates the person, is what guides the person, and that is why everything the person will do, first thinks how is going to resolve, how has to resolve, after that, then, put it in execution; if goes this way, if goes that way, if will do this, if will do that; first thinks. It is the thought which is the person, which is the good or bad fluid, and once the person is guided by the Rational Fluid, only goes always from good to better, because the fluid talks inside the person, inside its house.
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- VOL 925 ao p34
domingo, 23 de maio de 2021
Therefore, care to become immunized, to know your true natural, to get RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, the Rational Fluid, so that everything goes right in everyone’s life. The Rational Fluid is positive and the electric and magnetic fluid is negative, because it is deformed, because you are beings from deformation and because of this you lived there in constant disarray, due to the electric and magnetic fluid. The magnetic fluid brings sadness, annoyance, contrariety, hopelessness, agony, bad dreams, bad thoughts, disconcerting thoughts, mistrust, fear, brings everything bad. All of this, effect of the magnetic fluid, and that is why the human being becomes unbalanced, due to the magnetic fluid, which only brings disturbance to the human being, because of it being worse than the electric fluid. The electric is bad because it is deformed, and the magnetic fluid is even worse, because in it is all evil; it is the destroying fluid.
To eliminate the influence of these two fluids, only RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION fluid; then eliminates these two, because RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION fluid is of superior category, because it is not from here of the electric and magnetic, it is from RATIONAL PLAIN, it is from RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, it is only good, and from good everyone goes always to better. From it the equilibrium as never had, and then all from good to better on the whole world, trough the orientations and conferences done with RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION inside your inner being, inside your being that communicates with your outside and that comes from inside, from inside your being, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION.
Then, cease the suffering of you all, because you will not be subject to the electric and magnetic fluids anymore; from there comes the good of all and the true happiness, because the person then starts to live right and is right about everything; cease, then the doubts, mistrust, and fears, because will receive all the precise orientations for the equilibrium of your life.
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