Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2021



The living beings there from the Universe are all subject to the influences of the people from the lower atmosphere. And that is why, in the world, there is confusion among all, because the living being does not have equilibrium. They cannot be adjusted, influenced by the inhabitants from the lower atmosphere, where exist the good and bad ones, of all characters, to do everything without seeing whether it is good or bad. 

That is the reason of the living being one time is thinking well and bad at another;one time is sad and happy at another; sometimes encouraged, others discouraged, without knowing why, without knowing how to explain this change. These are influences that the living being receives from the inhabitants from the lower atmosphere, from good or bad inhabitants. And that is why the living being does not have stability, varying thoughts and attitudes constantly. Everything for being subjected to the influences of the people from this vacuum that exists between earth and the sun. And those who do not want to recognize their nature, like all the blind ones with open eyes who live on that world, here is the origin of all horrible suffering that one sees there in the world. 

For not having the true knowledge of what the world is, of why you are like that and of what you are, the living being implants the suffering of the upcoming days and the present, as he already implanted it in the past. Because he is not sure about why he is like that and everyone is like that, of what they are, of what they were, of what they must be, of what they have to be, because, with time, everyone will arrive to his true place, forced by the suffering, which presses on, every time more, universally.

Due to the living beings are completely unaware of their own nature, it is the reason you live suffering. The more they do to get better, the more everything gets worse. They become more misunderstanding; suffering increases more, affliction shines more. But some, getting into this spiritualizing door, stay closer to this other one, which is of the Astral Superior. And here are the written data, elucidating how to reach, how to arrive here, in RATIONAL PLAIN by means of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. 

There are living beings who only embrace the bad and evil people from the lower atmosphere. These become wicked, revengeful, and malevolent. They are living beings of bad nature, who need a break in order to be corrected in their malevolent nature. They are impossible living beings who need someone to dominate them. Of such a bad nature that they need to be controlled by the invisible beings from the lower atmosphere, who, even though they are bad, they stop with their influences the instinct of evil of these living beings.



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