Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 29 de maio de 2021



"And so, after being universally immunized, the sunlight will decrease a lot, it will start to extinguish, due to the predominance of a light superior to yours, which is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. "No! Everything will change naturally and in this way, they will not feel shaking of any kind. Once the door from up here is open, it is meant to encompass everyone universally. Then you say: -" We want to know all this RATIONAL PLAIN up there and a lot  beyond yet. "And I say ME: they never knew this world they inhabit, how do they want to know it up here, without being here? They always lived there in this world, learning until they died, without knowing anything and that is why the mysteries there have always been  conserved, they always had this world as a mysterious nature. They never knew how they were made, how this world was made, nor who made them. They did not know where they came from or where they are going to go. They did not know why they lived in that world and under these conditions. "

(1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, p. 86/87).

CONSIDERATIONS: We have already said that the world we live in is a Rational deformation and that we are living outside our true natural state of being! Well then, just as we adapt to living outside our true natural state, so much better we will live within our true natural state of being! And our true natural state of being is of pure, clean and perfect Rational, with a body of energy of pure, clean and perfect Rational cosmic mass and of eternal life!

Here in this Rational deformation, nothing is eternal, everything has its duration, all beings have their duration, including Celestial beings, such as the Sun, Moon, Stars and the rest! Some have a short duration, others have a medium duration, others have a long duration and others seem to be eternal, but they have their time too, as is the case with the Celestial beings, who have been here for millions and millions of years! So, these beings are also deformed, they are also deformed here, outside their natural state of being, as nature is also deformed and outside their natural state of being!

Well then, we learned from Rational Knowledge that before this world, this universe exists, what existed and what exists is the RATIONAL WORLD. And in the RATIONAL WORLD there was a piece, a part that was not yet ready to make progress. A few Rationals, of their own free will, decided to make progress on their own in that part, in that piece and the consequence of that progress was the transformation of that piece into everything that is here, after a long process of transformation!

Of course, those Rationals were called to attention by RATIONAL SUPERIOR, but they wanted to make progress. Therefore, it is concluded that everything that exists here is the result of thousands and thousands of transformations and that did not exist before!

Therefore, nature and all the beings that compose it are the result of this long process of transformation! Just as nature and all these beings have changed from what they were, to what they are, naturally, so too will come the transformation of nature and these beings, from what they are today, to what they were before they were so, naturally too! Hence, there will be no shaking in nature!  This is called the transformation of that Rational deformation into its true natural state! And we are learning all of this in the brilliant pages of Books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT!

(By Antônio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...