Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 19 de julho de 2021



"There are many living beings, who, through misinterpretations, think that I am a wild beast or a usurer and that is why they are in doubt: - "Do I deserve it?  Will I deserve it like the others?" Whether you deserve it or not, as long as I do it where it's enough, it's enough for me. Everyone deserves it and that's why eternal salvation is for everyone, without exception, as long as they do where to immunize themselves, getting the knowledge of immunization through this reading. For all this, time is needed, and the living being, in time, with the continuation of reading, will be in possession of the immunization, keeping everything that reads little by little, to know and explain everything, tell and tell stories.

There are negligents, who want to know everything with little time.  You can not!  It is with time and constancy that everything is recorded little by little, multiplied more and more in the knowledge of the living and this, with time, achieving immunization, for being more perfect, more balanced, within the Rational limit. " (Page 220/221, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: So now, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION has arrived and with it, the Rational Phase! In the Rational Phase, nature (a part of it) is elevated to a higher category, as it is disconnected from the two energies that govern this world: Electric and Magnetic energy, responsible for the deregulation of nature and its beings, as they are two degenerate energies, deformed, weakened and polluted.

With the advent of the Rational Phase, nature starts to connect to a Superior energy, which is the Rational Energy, a pure, clean and perfect energy, capable of regulating nature and, consequently, the human being, a microcosm from nature! The Rational Energy is an energy that is much Superior to the electric and magnetic energies, as it comes from a Superior World, pure, clean and perfect, which is the RATIONAL WORLD, from which everything and everyone originates!

Therefore, Rational Energy is the energy of our true natural state and now we are learning what we need to do to connect with It, which is to develop the Reasoning that we have, which is developed naturally through reading and rereading the pages from the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT.  Daily reading establishes the person's contact with the Rational Energy emanating from the pages of the Book and this energy, acting in the human being's brain, starts to develop the Rational sensitivity of the part of the brain; this part was paralyzed for lack of the Rational Energy necessary for its development, which now effectively started to happen.

Finally, this evolutionary elevation of nature is called a Phase Shift in nature! The pole of nature was connected to Electric and Magnetic energy and now the pole of nature is connecting to Rational Energy! Scientists have already noticed this pole shift on Earth, however, they make catastrophic predictions about this shift, which, because it is a natural process, a natural shift, no shock, no shock, no reaction will provoke, since what is natural no one feels, as no one feels, growing and aging, just see its effects! (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.


Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "No mundo, nunca sonharam com a Redenção Universal, nunca imaginaram poder existir a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL. Só agora,...