Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 22 de julho de 2021



"It's such a mania that no one is content with being small, everyone wants to be big. Nobody is content with being poor, everyone wants to be rich. Nobody is content with being on the bottom, everyone wants to be on the top, because of their whims, not knowing that they have the map of life in their palms, indicating the entire trajectory because they will have to pass.

Therefore, it wasn't nature that made everyone bad in this world, because she has the map of life, with numbers and grammar, perfect, so that you can be guided by them and live well;  but the peoples of old, by their unspeakable whims, did not want to know this and created another alphabet, according to their convenience. It has been proven that if everyone suffers, the blame lies with the living of the past.  Today, many still study the astrological chart and even make a fortune, announcing to anyone the past, present and future;  many right, by reading the map they learned to read in the true alphabet.

However, this is not the alphabet that rules the world. What prevails is what they have become accustomed to and that is worth nothing, which is why, to make a living, many seek the astrological alphabet, the map of sayings in the palms of their hands, where the living being, studying only half, can already unravel almost the whole life of his fellow men." (1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, p. 138/139).

CONSIDERATIONS: So, the new generations of today are not totally responsible for the suffering of humanity, but the old backwards and nonconformists of yesteryear, who replaced the astrology alphabet by the artificial alphabet. This, the inheritance inherited from the primitive civilizations and this, one of the reasons for the divergences of languages ​​existing today.  Yes, because at the time of the astrology alphabet everyone understood and understood each other, the language was one for everyone, there was no divergence of languages ​​because the alphabet was one!

With the creation of the artificial alphabet, it gave rise to the creation of different languages, because each people created and invented their alphabet, their way of understanding, according to their wishes and tastes. Hence, one of the reasons for the infinity of different languages ​​and for each people to express themselves differently from each other, when the language should be one, since they are all human beings and belong to a single class and race, the Rational Race.

Among the Irrationals, there are different ways of understanding, due to the infinity of different classes that exist among them.  But everyone understands each other, with each other, within their category of life. So that, if a Brazilian dog or cat accompanies its owner on a trip to the United States (for example), when it gets there, it will get along perfectly with the American dog or cat, which won't happen to its owner if he doesn't know how to speak the English!

Today, with the advent of the Rational Phase, the Reasoning of all humanity is being developed.  And Reasoning is just one thing, it's just one understanding, it's just one alphabet, the Rational Alphabet, which isn't really an alphabet but Culture, Rational Culture! Therefore, all humanity will understand and understand itself, through Reasoning! (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


OS PRIMEROS ANUNCIOS DE LA INMUNIZACIÓN La INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL ya fue anunciada hace muchos siglos por Nostradamus y San Juan en los papir...