Postagens em Destaque

terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2021



"Suffering increasingly delays the living beings who are already backward. The world is one of suffering and everyone is suffering; but they forget to understand that the suffering was made by the inhabitants of the world.

Who invented the destructive arts? It was the inhabitants themselves! Who invented the science effort? It was the inhabitants themselves!  Therefore, you are the ones who cause suffering." Page 193, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: As can be seen, suffering is general in the life of every human being, regardless of their level of culture and social position. In other words, the general rule here in the life of matter is that everyone suffers!  And besides all being sufferers, all are mortal! And the inevitable question that does not want to remain silent: why are we all suffering? Why are we mortal?  What have we done to deserve such a condemnation? Why is the life of matter organized in this way? Could it be that life is just the same and will never pass this condition, that is, we are eternally condemned to suffering and death? Will these questions remain forever in the terrain of indecipherable mysteries and enigmas? Or will they always be covered by the mantle of the mysteries of God, impenetrable and unreachable for human beings? Or will we one day know why we are suffering and why we are mortal, to finally stop being like that?

We learn, in Rational Knowledge, that the human being is living here in this world of matter, but his true origin is not from here, but from a Superior World, called RATIONAL WORLD! We also learned what we did to leave the RATIONAL WORLD and now be here. That we left the RATIONAL WORLD by our free and spontaneous will and by our free will and that some Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD did not want to leave and remain there until today! And that among those few that remain there, there is RATIONAL SUPERIOR, a Reasoning Superior to all Reasonings, the Supreme Reasoning (Author of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT).

So, now, RATIONAL SUPERIOR came to clarify for us how we left our World of Origin and here we ended up, in a world that is not our true place.  And because we are not here, we are suffering and mortal here and we do not have the right to live, because we are out of our true place.  Here, we are suffering and mortal beings and here, life is temporary and fleeting!  And so it had to be, so that one day we could leave here, from a world to which we do not belong and we could return to the world we came from, which is the RATIONAL WORLD!

Therefore, now we are able to understand and understand that we were living in a world, outside our true natural state and that is exactly why we were suffering and mortal! Now, after fully matured by the preparation made by our philosophical and scientific knowledge, we are able to answer all these existential questions about life, suffering and death!  Now, we have RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION proving to us and proving that here in matter nothing is eternal and everything that has a beginning has an end!  And even more, that suffering had its beginning and the hour of its end came;  that death had its beginning and the hour of its end came! And what is the end of death? It is all humanity returning to our true World of Origin, where we have the right to live there and where everyone is eternal!

And for humanity to return to its World of Origin, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION has now arrived on Earth, bringing in its wake the phase change in nature: the phase of the Rational animal has ended and the Rational Phase has entered nature, the phase of the return of all to the RATIONAL WORLD, the Rational Phase being the last phase of the life of matter, as it is the phase of everyone's return to the RATIONAL WORLD!  (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...