Postagens em Destaque

terça-feira, 31 de agosto de 2021



"And so, everyone is groping to see if they get it right or not; whether it works or not. Everyone always living this way, horribly, in the uncertainty of this, in the uncertainty of that, in the doubt of this, in the doubt of that, suspicious of everything, thinking a lot of things. Always in experiments to see if it works. And because they live like this, science came to understand that everyone had a spirit.

In RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, on the contrary. There are no doubts.  You don't live on experiences. We do not live with suspicion, because it gives us the true knowledge of natural things and teaches us the reason for the world, the reason for everything, proving and proving the truth of truths.” (Page 163/164, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: When we started reading the Books UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, RATIONAL SUPERIOR (its Author), in the chapter entitled "INTRODUCTION", thus states: "In this Work, there are all the teachings of the beginning and end of the world, dictated by RATIONAL SUPERIOR, to manage the Rational Knowledges. What are these Rational Knowledges based on? They are based on the true personality. In the Rational Knowledges are all the bases of the supreme being to everything and everyone, to make known to everyone where they came from, how they came, where they go and how they go". It is clearly perceived that the Rational Knowledges take on the character of the true personality and that they are grounded! And now, He tells us that these Knowledges also have proofs and proofs! And what proofs and proofs would these be? All of them are personal proofs and proofs that the reader will obtain in his life as the Rational study progresses! Very well, these personal tests are translated into the physical, moral and financial balance that the reader acquires, as he/she puts into practice the knowledge he/she obtains with daily reading!

In addition to these, there is the development of the Rational part of the human body and the Rational part of nature of which we are a part! And why this happens?  Because there was a phase shift in nature! Before, nature was governed by two energies: electrical and magnetic and now, with the phase change, nature is starting to be governed by Rational Energy, an energy hitherto unknown to humanity and coming from a World Superior to the ours, which is the RATIONAL WORLD (our true world of origin).  At the right time, we will talk in more detail about this phase shift in nature and its consequences.

Regarding the development of the Rational part of the body, we can say that it will only bring improvements for the human being, translated into better health, quality of life, intelligence, perception, vision, etc. Regarding vision, the daily study of the Work enables the development of the so-called Rational Vision which, after being developed by Rational Energy, will make all humanity see its true World of Origin, the RATIONAL WORLD and get in touch with its Inhabitants, which are these Luminous Bodies that are presenting themselves here in the firmament, in different ways, ways, ways and colors!

So, my friends, get to know this great Culture, to be blessed with all these proofs and proofs inherent to each and every human being! (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Por os viventes serem completamente desconhecidos da sua própria natureza, é que vivem sofrendo e quanto mais faze...