Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2021



"This is to prove to you that the world is good, that everyone was born and born with good, but they don't want to know about the good and the right, they just want to know the wrong way, as everyone lives in the world leaving the right to live wrong. The reason for the torture is so great that the suffering of life, at certain times, becomes irresistible, to the point that some seek to end life.

The astrology alphabet, given by nature itself, should govern. And then, the living being would know, by reading the palms of his hands, what would be his passage in life, who would replace him in the mission he performed in the world, who would be his replacement.  But many living in the past were not satisfied with not being, by the astrological chart, the substitutes for those who ruled.

And so, in their eagerness to govern, they went looking for resources to expand their will.  Then they invented this alphabet that they still adopt in the world and from there, began all the misunderstandings and the unbalance of everything in the world.” (Page 139, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Studying Rational Knowledge, we learn that everything in life has limits, and the limit is the right point to maintain balance in life and in everything. Going beyond the limit, one enters the terrain of imbalance and bad consequences.  So it is with wills! For example: the person wants to eat their favorite food. If you overeat, you get sick and harm yourself, impairing your digestion and exposing your stomach to excessive work.

So, everything has a limit and surpassing it has always brought and will always bring bad consequences, due to the excess of will, resulting from the free will that each one has to try to adjust in life!

So, free will in doing good is fine;  but free will in the practice of evil, everything evil and the consequences will always be disastrous. Therefore, it is necessary that we all get to know each other in order to know how to use our free will moderately, in the exercise of our free and spontaneous will. (By Antonio dos Santos. Collaboration: Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros. 

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "No mundo, nunca sonharam com a Redenção Universal, nunca imaginaram poder existir a IMUNIZAÇÃO RACIONAL. Só agora,...