Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2021



"Degeneration is increasing more and more in the world and with time, annihilation would bring extinction, both in animals and in plants. The progress of degeneration prevails in all and if it were not for RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION to save everyone, the extinction of all bodies and all vegetation.

Everything would pass after the extinction of this generation, to another formation much worse than this one. But because you are Rational animals, you had to know, long before reaching such a point, your true natural of Rationals, who now, with this Writing for liberation of Rational animals, will make everyone immunized and complete the true natural of Rationals.

Here's a piece of why they are, what they were and what they're going to be. They will be Rationals, with the knowledge of the knowledge of this work, in well-researched texts. In the continuation of the subject, you will find all the solid bases, with all the brilliant items to shine on your true treasure, which is the true natural of the being of all Rationals. With the follow-up, you will find stunning excerpts;  the solidified conclusions of this base of eternal salvation.” (Page 268, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: Rational Superior).

CONSIDERATIONS: When speaking of natural, the question automatically arises: but aren't we living in our natural? But isn't life the same and the world not the same? As incredible as it may seem to us, this is not our true natural state; life is not the same, and neither is the world this same!

But then, is there a real natural?  And what is this true natural?  RATIONAL SUPERIOR clarifies that our true natural is pure, clean and perfect Rational beings, inhabitants of the first world, the RATIONAL WORLD, in which everyone is eternal there! This our natural is an apparent natural and, therefore, everything here has a beginning and an end, nothing is eternal! Therefore, no one is satisfied with this natural, since no one is satisfied with suffering (personal, family, friends and similar) and much less with death (personal, family, friends and similar). RATIONAL SUPERIOR teaches us that this is a degenerate, deformed, polluted and weakened natural! And he proves and proves to us how this natural came to be what it is today, due to the degeneration and deformation of nature!

On the other hand, life is not the same, of matter, transitory and fleeting, since before there was matter, life already existed, which is true Life, Rational Life! This life of matter is a third form of life, or a third dimension of life, since before it there was another form of life and, before this other form of life, there was and is Rational Life, pure, clean and perfect! It's just that we've gone through so many transformations to get to the condition of this life that we've completely lost all sense of previous lives, past lives! And what lives were these? RATIONAL SUPERIOR clarifies all these previous and past lives to us blow by blow!

Finally, this world is not the real world, because as we know, everything in it is perishable! The principle of finitude is your Governing Law! And why is this not the real world? Because this is a second world, since before it, there is another one that gave it consequences, this other being the Super Rational World, the World where RATIONAL SUPERIOR and its inhabitants inhabit, who are the Inhabitants of the RATIONAL WORLD! And these Inhabitants are now presenting themselves here in the firmament in the form of luminous bodies of different shapes, of different colors and of different sizes, to awaken humanity's attention to the new phase that has entered nature, the Rational Phase, the Space Phase, the Phase of the Third Millennium! And human beings, for not knowing who these luminous bodies are and what they want, call them UFOs, alien beings, extraterrestrial beings and other denominations.

So, my friends, get to know the Rational Phase, which is a natural phase of nature itself, and get to know yourself: to know who you are, why everyone is like that, where you came from and where you are going, how you came and how you are going! All this, on the glossy pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT!  (By Antonio dos Santos and Angela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


OS PRIMEROS ANUNCIOS DE LA INMUNIZACIÓN La INMUNIZACIÓN RACIONAL ya fue anunciada hace muchos siglos por Nostradamus y San Juan en los papir...