Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2021


Degeneration increases each time more in the world and with time, the annihilation would bring the extinction of the animals, as well as of the vegetables. In everything reigns the progress of degenerations and if it were not RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION to save everyone, it would come the extinction of all bodies and all vegetation.

Everything would go from the extinction of this generation to another formation much worse than this one.

But because you are Rational animals, you had to know, much before getting to that point, your true natural of Rationals, which now, with this Writing for the liberation of the Rational beasts, it will make everyone immunized and will complete the true natural of Rationals.

There it is, a piece of the why you are like that, of what you were and what you will be. You will be Rationals, with the learning of the knowledge of this Work, in well examined texts. In the continuation of the subject, you will find all solid bases, with all brilliant questions to brighten yourselves with your true treasure, which is the true natural of the being of all Rationals. With the continuation, you will find fascinating passages; the solidified conclusions of this base for eternal salvation.

To whom to ask what it is, read to know. This is a knowledge that all shall reach. This is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which no one knows and no one is obliged to teach what he does not know definitively.

Therefore, for those who want to know, follow it and read it. If you want it or not, you will come to know all the knowledge that is herein demonstrated. If you do not want to know it today, by all means, you will have to know it later; by all means you will have to arrive to this conclusion. There is no other way; the path of everyone is this one: RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION!

The triumph of the glories of the glories is the Rational triumph. Who triumphs with RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is eternally saved in everything, as it is herein perfectly clarified. The thought is vague; very vague and it is free. That is why everyone is a free thinker and dreamer.



TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Tudo chega ao seu fim. Há trezentos anos passados, a natureza era mais forte. Há seiscentos anos, mais forte ainda...