Postagens em Destaque

sábado, 6 de novembro de 2021



So, how many parts is the world divided in? In seven. How many parts are the bodies divided in? In seven parts.

Thus, this explanation is called: the seven parts of the why you are like that; that you are made of these seven parts gathered, making the formation of all bodies, or of the animal body, which stems from or originates from the Rational. That is why RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is for all, because the bodies are there made for it, depending on it, as you already know.

And because the deformation is in those seven particles, it is that the immunized living being goes on making the immunization goes on care of taking away those particles from the deformed parts and transporting them into here, in RATIONAL PLAIN, from where you came and then, forming the body, much different from that of yours. And once so, the living being will not be born there anymore, in that deformed world, the way you do now, while the virtues remain in those seven parts.

Here it is very clear data, well checked; which explained and lapidated as such, only in this Scripture, bit by bit.

These passages, very profound and very high, are for the joyous to have the true fraternal love for themselves, due to the solid base that are here, proving to all that in RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION are the solutions of everything that all need.

And how can the living being become immunized as soon as possible? Reading every day; the more, the better.

The living being reading with persistence, very rapidly will attain the Immunization; starts to become integrally immunized in a short time. To attain it, you must know and to know one must read daily, thus cooperating for its most elevated point; and the immunized living being is covered by the greatest universal treasure.

Here it is the salvation door in your hands, opened in the world by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. And the immunized does not suffer; those who do not know are who
suffer; and those who know will suffer if they want to.

And who wants to suffer? Nobody. Suffering makes no fun to anybody laughs. Therefore, read for you to get as soon as possible RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION and put in practice the greatest treasure of all, universally.

What is an Immunized living being? He is one consolidated in everything, knowing everything, knowledgeable of everything, capable of following always the correct path to happiness.

Who does not want one’s return to the place of origin? Everyone does. Once knowing and knowledgeable of how to return, all will want to leave this hell forever.

Who wants to be born again in this world? Nobody. Because hell is there indeed, in that world; that is why you are in that fire and can only see by the power of fire. During the day, to be able to see, it is the sun that kills, and at night, to see, you must turn on the fire, light. Fire at day time, fire at night. The purgatory is when you go to sleep; that is why in the morning, when you get up, you have your eyes and other parts of the body purging.

With RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, however, all of this will cease, because in it is the return to RATIONAL Plain and reaching it, everyone will cry of joy because it will arrive in the world everything that the living being needs. It will be enormous the delirium of satisfaction and the shake, by the surprise will be immensely. And so, everyone ought to read to become immunized.

Here it is, therefore, the world free of the hecatombs and sufferings, because the Immunization brings to the world everything which is good to everyone. UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, the book of absolution from condemnation to extermination. You will no longer be mortals! In the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT are all writings of the absolution of this condemnation to the extermination.

The world is an electric and magnetic fluidic conjunct. For being the world an electric and magnetic fluidic conjunct is the reason of everything that exists in the world is from electric and magnetic fluidic origin.

Therefore, the most powerful force in this electric and magnetic fluidic conjunct is in the fluids, being the fluids the most powerful force of generation, formation, and creation.

So, in the fluid is everything. From the fluids depend the formation of all beings, so, all beings are from electric and magnetic fluidic formation.

And because everything is from fluidic origin, it is that you are so, unstable as you are: generate, born, grow, flourish, and disappear, because the fluid passes, the fluid is transitory; the fluid is everything that constitutes the generation, formation, and creation.

Because everything is from fluidic origin, it is why each being has its fluid. Each being is constituted by a fluid, in this variant and deformed nature, as it is.

There is infinity of fluids, all different from one another. And because there is such infinity of fluids different from one another, it is that everyone is different from one another, it is that everything is different, because everything is from fluidic origin. Therefore, in the fluid is everything. In the fluid is the formation of this apparent everything.

And so being, each one with one’s fluid, which gave origin to one’s formation, which generated the microbes for the formation of one’s body. Each being with its fluid. Then, RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION catches this fluid and takes it to RATIONAL PLAIN, the place of origin, and then, the living being will not be born here anymore, because what made the living being, being born there is not in that heat anymore, inside that deformation.

And so, there is no effect without a cause: the cause of the microbe is the fluid. The cause of the body is the microbe.

Not existing the fluid, there is no microbe; not existing the microbes, there are no beings; without heat, there is no fluid; without sun, there is no heat; and if there were no virtues of the bodies before these, which were losing the virtues and these were gathering to form this light focus, there would also not be the sun. If there were not the inhabitants that left the Rational part to enter the Plain that was not yet ready for progress, would not be this deformation either.



  Ninguém se entende. Ninguém está entendendo nem a si mesmo. Por isso, aí está a falência moral, física e financeira, e a liquidação moral,...