Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2021



Joys enchaining, harmony flourishing, and the glory of glories corresponding to the ideals and afflictions of everyone. RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is the point that concludes all virtues toward everyone’s glory, joy and satisfaction. It is the maximum point in everything, which goes on corresponding to everyone, much beyond the possible. The possible is because it is possible and the beyond possible is everything the living being does not expect or count on. There it is the beyond possible.

So, rich steps to everyone and joyful steps to the collaborators in benefice of themselves. Brilliant steps, brilliant days and an angelical treasure that multiplies gradually, culminant to all who are so, being elevated in everything. RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION bringing everything that the living being needs, fixing everything, straightening everything out, organizing peace, the happy and joy welfare, especially to those who collaborate with caprice to their own benefit.

With RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION the living being is in possession of all knowledge and with the daily reading of this Work, he will clearly see the modifications occurring, always from good to better in all points of view. But just daily reading is not enough; reading is one thing, knowing what you have read is another. How many times do you finish reading and do not know what you have read, and do not know how to reproduce and explain the contents of the reading? Therefore, you need to read daily, be attached to the reading, to know what you have read, know it for yourself and for the others, what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, what immunized meant to be.

Immunized means: provided with everything, knowing everything, connoisseur and explainer of that everything, bit by bit. And to be like that, you need to read and to know what you have read, you need to read every day without wasting of time. Immunized is provided of truths, is provided of the true knowledge, is a knower of the reason of all, the reason of yourself, the reasons of all things in the world, the reason of this world, and the reason for everything before being as it is.

He is a complete living being, with solid bases, clear, lapidated, without contradiction of any kind.

And to become immunized it is only necessary to have great constancy in reading, to be provided with the Rational knowledge or RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which is the same thing.

The living being cannot become immunized without being provided with the Rational knowledge. Only provided with that knowledge, he can reach the Immunization. And to be provided with this knowledge, to become immunized, he needs to be persistent, without wasting time, with the reading.

Once provided with the knowledge, he is immunized. It is the same thing as the living being to know how to write. He must learn it first. First it is necessary to learn it, to then, be able to read. So is RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. First you need to know it and be able to explain everything it teaches, and afterwards to be immunized. The illiterates will get to know it from the explanation of those who already know.



TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "E assim, na apoteose do bem-fazer Racional, o imunizado encontrará todas as soluções rápidas para o que for necess...