Life is of dreams and that is why everyone dreams with this life; the dreams are so many that hope is the last one to die. The rich dreams, the poor dreams, everyone dreams. Life is a dream. You dream that you have life and then, from one moment to the next, the dream is over, you lose the life. This is to say you dream that you have life, that you are awake.
Awake? Awake are all of those who know the Rational base. Those yes, they may say they are not dreaming. They know where they came from and where they are going to.
They know the beginning and the end of things and everything. They know the true life and deceiving life, full of dreams, provided by nothing and that to nothing it will return.
And so, this series of dreams which everyone maintains and who dreams like this, lives uselessly. The dreams are so many, the illusions are so many that the living beings come to a certain point in life and become disillusioned of so much dreaming, without knowing what is worth living in the world like that.
While the living being dreams and lives life full of dreams, everything goes well. But after disillusioned with the dreams, it is that he recognizes the value and prestige of the dream and verifies that everything has a value only to those who are dreaming, as everyone does, day and night. Then, for the living being to stop dreaming, he must seek to know the Rational base.
You are nothing, but you dream that you are everything. There it is where the disgrace and disillusions are, due to dreaming with open eyes. You are all mortals and that is why you dream that you have life, but they are just dreams, because you die, the dreams you live while you are with life end.
If you were not dreaming, you would not die, but because this is not the reality of life, it is that everything is passing. It is enough life being a dream for it to be passing.
Everything is good; everything is beautiful, but worthless, useless. Apparently everything is worthy, everything is useful, everything is good and in truth, everything to the contrary.
Why? Because those who dream do not know what they are doing, and only after awake it is when they see the dream.