Postagens em Destaque

quarta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2021



"Because they have a very developed thought, they are called Rationals. But they are Rational animals and because they belong to the Rational part, that is how they are made, with the purpose of being natural for RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which is a natural thing, seeming to to be the living being who is speaking, but it becomes visible not to be, because the subjects dealt with at these times are completely unknown to whoever is speaking and who is transmitting; what is not their "I", their knowledge, of their intellectuality or capacity. Observe then, the living being, that RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is a very natural thing. You are already Rationals, but together with the Rational, by RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, the difference is very big and it only becomes common because it is natural and everyone to be Rational".  (Page 89/90, 1st Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: Some time ago I started the walk and glimpsed the final point of the walk! The path is serene and the Road is Illuminated! The mission, now, is to awaken my fellow man, encouraging him to walk and make the Crossing, so that we can all unite together in the Origin, which presents itself to us each day stronger and more present, with its powerful force of union of everyone and everything! The origin calls and the time has come!

And looking for the true origin means walking on the right road to meet the SUPREME CREATOR!

And who is the SUPREME CREATOR? A Reasoning Superior to all Reasons and that created the human being as a Rational, pure, clean and perfect being!  Therefore, we are of Rational origin and scientifically we were classified as Rational Animals, or better saying, animals of Rational origin.

And at the true origin is the SUPREME CREATOR! The origin is Rational, therefore, if we are of Rational origin, it is because whoever created us, who made us, who generated us, is RATIONAL, superior to us! Who made us Rationals? Another Rational, superior to us. So this is RATIONAL SUPERIOR! That generated and created and formed the origin, in a pure, clean and perfect way!

Therefore, I invite everyone to seek this and other clarifications in Rational Culture, the culture of the development of Reasoning and which is contained in the book Universe in Disenchantment, authored by RATIONAL SUPERIOR! (By Antônio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "E assim, na apoteose do bem-fazer Racional, o imunizado encontrará todas as soluções rápidas para o que for necess...