Postagens em Destaque

segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2022



So why do we suffer and die, here in the life of matter?

Because the life of matter is not the true life and, because it is not the true life, it ends in nothing and in order to die, it has no age;  Newborns die, children die, teenagers die, adults die and the elderly die, because here no one has guarantees or the right to live.  Therefore, we are subject to being destroyed by incurable diseases, by natural evils, by artificial evils (which are the arts produced by our artificial and destructive progress, like weapons), by air, land and sea disasters, by the mistakes of our thinking. (including all the mistakes resulting from human activity), by the errors of philosophical and scientific science, in short, all sorts of mistreatment. And if we escape all this, we die from old age, which destroys the material body little by little, because the material body represents a group of ruins gathered together, which destroys itself (considering deaths from multiple organ failure).

However, we were educated and indoctrinated to consider the life of matter as if it were the absolute truth, as if the true life were the same, as if matter were an eternal thing, isn't it? And it is because of this education that we suffer and suffer when we lose a friend, a relative or a loved one! And then, the inevitable question arises: why are we like this? Why do we suffer and die if life is the same? And then, we are faced with the blatant contradiction of believing that life is the same and not conforming with it, because we do not conform with suffering, much less with death!

From there we start to ask ourselves where our friends, our relatives and loved ones go, after death?! And exactly at this point, again our philosophical and scientific culture, our knowledge, our teachings, our education, collide in the field of mysteries, enigmas and phenomena! And we have to agree and accept the explanations, not always convincing, that we receive from our parents and our culture! And all this together, forms a tremendous confusion in our lives and in our heads, causing doubts and uncertainties.

And why does all this happen in this life and with this life? We have said before that the life of matter is not true life and now we will complement it with another great truth: here in the life of matter we do not have the right to live, because we are living outside our true natural state! And no one can live outside of his natural state! A fish, out of water, cannot live because it is out of its natural state;  an arctic polar bear, if brought into the warm climate, will die, from being outside its natural habitat;  a plant that lives in the stones, if removed from the stone and planted in the earth, will die, because it is out of its natural!  And so it happens with human beings, they are outside their natural habitat, which is the RATIONAL WORLD, and therefore, they do not have the right to live in the material world!

Therefore, for the human being to regain the right to live, it is necessary to develop the true life, which is the Rational Life, the life of the Inhabitant of the RATIONAL WORLD, which here in matter is materialized in the form of a Reasoning machine. This is true life, eternal life, which is now being dematerialized by 3 potencies: Rational Culture, nature and Rational Energy. After this dematerialized energy, this dematerialized Inhabitant, it is ready to return to its natural state of eternal life, in the RATIONAL WORLD, where everyone there is eternal! And all this happens in life! And this entire process of dematerialization is achieved by reading and rereading the brilliant pages of the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT!

It is there, in a very summarized way, who is life, where it came from and where it is going! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria, translated by: Joyce Barros).


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