Postagens em Destaque

sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2022



No one will want to any longer want to be under the influence of the electric and magnetic, the fluid of the irrational animals, the electric and magnetic fluids.

No one will want to any longer want to be under the domain of these influences, the electric and magnetic fluid, the fluid of the irrational animals, due to the origin of the beings being discovered, the origin of the Rational being.

Everyone will only want to be under the influence of the fluid of one’s origin, of the Rational Fluid, of the fluid of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, of the fluid of one’s base of origin, the RATIONAL PLAIN, given that in the world is the discovery of the origin of the Rational animals and of the reason why you were Rational animals.

The origin of all beings has been discovered, of the irrational being and the Rational being, their base of origin. No one will any longer want to be under the influence of the electric and magnetic fluid, as you know very well, are the influences to the irrationals, to the irrational animals.

Everyone will get to know what the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, to become immune as soon as possible, to be under the influence of your base of origin, and that is why you are Rational animals. You will disconnect yourselves from the basis of the animal, you will disconnect yourselves from the influences of the electric and magnetic fluid and you will connect yourselves to your basis of Rational origin. You will connect yourselves to the basis of the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, so that everything will work out in everyone’s life.

The Rational Fluid enters the ‘I’ of the person, clarifies as to everything that is necessary for the balance of the person.

No one will any longer want to be under the domination and influences of the electric and magnetic fluid, the basis of the irrational animal. Everyone will disconnect from this basis and will connect to their Rational basis; will disconnect from the basis of the irrational animal and connecting to the basis of your origin of Rational.

And so, notice what a change you will undergo, what a splendorous change, what a change, as if from the filthy one to the clean one. What a change you will undergo, from the bad one to the good one, a very important change to everyone’s balance. In the electric and magnetic there is everything bad; there is the unconsciousness, there is the filthiness, after all, all the poisons together.

What a change! You will let go, you will abandon the basis of the irrational animal, of the electric and magnetic fluid, and get the Rational Fluid, get the pure, clean, and perfect. What a change! From the filthy to the clean, from the wrong one to the right one.

What a change! And so, everyone winning with the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, with the fluid inside one’s ‘I’ governing everyone so that everyone will live from good to better. The fluid of the true natural of everyone is everything, and the fluid of the irrational animal, the electric and magnetic, to the human being, is nothing.

The fluid of the apparent everything and the Rational Fluid of the true everything. What a big change from the good to the bad! And so, the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION reigning among everyone. The Rational Fluid among everyone for everyone’s good, for everyone’s happiness, for everyone’s good understanding among all, and so receiving the Rational Divine Grace, the fluid of your origin that is over there, all uncovered, so that everyone can get to know where you came from, how you came, where you are going to, and how you are going.

No one will want to be at the mercy of the electric and magnetic fluid, the poisonous fluid, the fluid that contains all ruins of the world, the evil fluid, the fluid of the savages, the fluid of the monsters, the fluid that causes all ruins that exist in the world, the electric and magnetic fluid. That is why the world is of suffer, tears, and pain. What a change you will undergo, from filthy to clean, from unbalance to balance, from enchantment to disenchantment! Disenchantment means you are disenchanted, you realized the reason why you suffered in this world without knowing the reason; you are disenchanted, knowing the reason of disenchantment of all agonizing humanity’s suffering.

No one will want to any longer live in enchantment, under the influence of the fluids of the irrational being. No one will want to stay enchanted. Everyone looking for the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, to disenchant and get the fluid of your true origin, the Rational Fluid, because you are Rational animals and you have to be guided and receive all influences of your base of origin, the Rational base.

Everyone with the book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT in their hands, getting to know all this trajectory of the world, of the origin of the world, of the life of all beings, of the origin of all beings, and of your Rational Origin.

Everyone getting to ascertain themselves of the great discovery of their true natural, that is over there, because you were considered Rational animals. There is the discovery of the origin, the base, the RATIONAL PLAIN, and because you are of Rational Origin, you were qualified as Rational animals. You knew that you were of an origin of something pure, but you did not know what this pure thing was, and today, this pure thing has been discovered, which is of pure, clean, perfect, and without defect Rationals. There it is, the origin of the Rational animal. Now, everything is discovered in the disenchantment, because in the enchantment you could not know anything of your origin, because you were under the influence of the electric and magnetic fluid, of the fluids of the irrational being, also living like beasts, due to you being under the electric and magnetic fluids, which are for the influence of the irrational animals.

Everyone filled with joy. The joy will be very great among all because the true origin of everyone has been discovered; where you came from, how you came, where you are going to, and how you are going. There it is, the discovery of the reason why you are there, of why you are like that, of why the world is like that. Because enchanted as you were, under the influences of the electric and magnetic, you could not, in any way, know and get to know your origin, the origin of everything and of the world.

Great celebrations, much happiness, everyone with great pleasure to live, happily satisfied, due to getting to know their true origin of pure, clean, and perfect Rationals.

Through the RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION you will acquire the Rational Fluid, for everyone’s balance and to communicate with your basis of origin, the Rational basis, the RATIONAL PLAIN, to be in contact with your basis of origin, be clarified from your basis of origin, receiving all clarifications coming from your basis of origin to the wellbeing, to the balance of all, so that everyone will live from good to better, very happy in everything, everything working out in everyone’s life, for everyone’s good, for everyone’s happiness, for everyone’s serenity, for everyone’s peace, for everyone’s contentment, for everyone’s overall satisfaction because over there is the balance of life through the Rational Fluid, which enters the electric and magnetic apparatus.



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