Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2022



"The conscience of the suffering human virile is a conscience of mysteries and pains. But many are based on saying that: - "So-and-so has no conscience, if he had it he wouldn't do what he does." Parrots who learned to speak in conscience, for seeing others talk, thinking they are very right and making a ridiculous and shameful role for those who know life.

 Then, the infant asks: - "And how can we stop being like this, so unbalanced in relation to RATIONAL SUPERIOR?"  I say: it is necessary to read a lot and not a little.  Read this Rational Writing a lot, to be fully immunized.  Then, that failed consciousness of yours like a wild animal, disappears and the real one remains, which is the Rational, Rational consciousness, which you usually call there, in the world, without knowing it." (Pág. 127, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT , author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: And how do you learn what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is?  Reading and rereading, in a reflective, thoughtful and studious way, the Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT.  Obviously, the need for a careful and meticulous study, since it is an unprecedented subject and written in a different way from what we are used to. Hence, the Book must be read in appropriate and silent places, being certain that the ownership of the place means any and all places where there is silence and favorable conditions for study. This is because there are no rituals to be followed, nor the need to go to appropriate places, just handling the Book at home or any other place that does not divert attention from the content being read.

Because it is unprecedented knowledge, we are faced with a cyclical way of approaching subjects. That means to say approach a subject, stop that approach, start another and then another, and then return to the initial approach!  Hence, the need for careful and meticulous study and, when necessary, enriched with notes.

And what subjects are dealt with in the Book? Subjects relevant to the origin of the world (its creation, formation and composition), the origin of life and all life, as well as the origin of the human being (where we came from, how we came, where we are going and how we are going). Subjects also relevant to the formation of the Universe, of celestial beings (Sun, Moon, Stars, planets) and the formation, generation and creation of nature, its natural laws and its phase changes. In addition, matters related to the existence of other worlds unknown to humanity and the true world of the origin of everything and everyone, which is the RATIONAL WORLD (the master root of universal fertilization.

As it is a reading of a Culture from a Higher World, the reader receives the assistance of this Higher World to facilitate understanding. In addition to this help, the reader is also favored by the action of a new energy, the Rational Energy (unknown to humanity) and which is starting to rule the planet Earth! The action of this new energy is responsible for the change of class of the human being, who will now be elevated to a higher class, which is the class of Rational Apparatus, being certain that this class elevation is due to the natural evolution of nature itself.

The objective of Rational Knowledge is to link all humanity to its true World of Origin, through the Rational Energy, which is what makes the connection of the human being to its true World of Origin. And how is that done? For the development of the Rational part of the human being, which was paralyzed in its brain and which now, due to a change of phase in nature, started the first steps towards its development.

It is important to emphasize that in order to master Rational Knowledge, human beings do not need to detach themselves from their religions, sects, doctrines, mystical, cabalistic or spiritual knowledge. This is because the Rational Knowledge is not against anything, or against anyone. They are Knowledge in favor of everything and everyone, since they are all children of God! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).


Rational greetings to all!


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