Postagens em Destaque

quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2022



"The Rational part is what governs all the planets, its strength always above them all. And the study of astrology, which was a very advanced study to regulate themselves in the past, had no value in relation to the strength of the Rational part. for the living being to know why he was born, and the course of his life. It was very good to free peoples; it was more advanced than this system, this alphabet invented by the man of Earth, that animals stayed there at once. They invented this alphabet to see whether they could avoid or cut things because they had to pass. At that time there was no god on Earth. The God was the Sun and the goddess was the Moon.

Above all this knowledge is the strength of the Rational part, which does not fulfill the whims of planets or signs, because it is subjugated to the superior part, and the planets thus fulfill what this superior part wants." (Pág. 134, 1°) Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: In this passage, it is evident the need to know the RATIONAL ASCENDANCE OF THE HUMAN BEING!

In the cultural teachings contained in the Books Universe in Disenchantment, of Rational Culture, we learn that the human being and all humanity, as well as the universe, are of Rational origin!  And because we are of that origin, it is because we are in this class of life: of Rational animal or rather, of animals of Rational origin.  Therefore, it is extremely important that we know and know this double characteristic of ours, as well as where the animal part is from and where the Rational part is from! The animal part is from below, from matter, from the earth galaxy; and the Rational part is from above, above this earthly galaxy, from the world of our origin, which is the RATIONAL WORLD!

The first steps towards this Great Discovery are being taken now, with the arrival of a New Era, a New Phase, a New Evolutionary Cycle of Man, the World and the Universe: THE RATIONAL PHASE!  In this PHASE, the complete definition, the complete genesis, from beginning to end about the formation of the Universe, the World and Man! In this PHASE, all precise and complete clarifications about the human-animal and human-Rational dichotomy!

In the cultural teachings of this Great Work, all the knowledge about Before Being!  Before being Sun, what was it; before being Moon, what was; before they were Stars, what were they; before being Water, which was; before being Earth, what was; before being Animal; what it was and before being Vegetal, what it was.  Not forgetting the Planets too, before being what they are, what they were! Finally we human beings, before being what we are, what we were and how we were and how we got to this class we are in, totally fallen, degenerated and deformed from our normal and natural condition of pure, clean and perfect Rational Beings , with our progress of purity!

So, pure, clean and perfect Rational is the ancestry of every human being, who should be considered and respected and that now, in the shining pages of the Universe in Disenchantment Books, we know how we recover and return to our level of Rational Ascendancy! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


TRECHOS RACIONAIS!  "Ainda não conhecem tudo desse mundo que habitam e já querem conhecer tudo aqui da parte Racional? Como podem? Quan...