"Nobody knows what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is, but they will know it now, through this Writing UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT. So, then, they will know what RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is and come to the conclusion that it is one of the greatest discoveries in the world.
However, the Rational part no one knows. RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION nobody knows about. It is a thing that never came into the world, except now, for the first time; and many, for not knowing it, interpret it according to the knowledge they have of spiritism and say: - "This is Rational Spiritism." However, I tell you: Rational Spiritism is one thing and RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION is quite another. Do not confuse RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION with Rational Spiritism. No one in the world knows RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION. They only know Rational Spiritism, which is based on science, to say that it is purer than others.” (Page 140/141/142, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).
CONSIDERATIONS: And what amazing discovery is the Universe in Disenchantment book about, my friends? The discovery of the true origin of humanity; of the true origin of the life of matter; of the true origin of the universe and all beings that exist in it, visible and invisible! A wish that all mankind has been trying to fulfill for a long time, in all forms, ways and ways! Here it is now realized, in the shining pages of this immeasurable cosmological Work and of the highest cultural relevance of all times!
Yes, my friends, a large part of humanity was dissatisfied for finding itself in a situation of total ignorance of its being. By living without knowing each other, the human being sought to know who he was, where he came from, how he came, why he came, where he is going, how he is going and why he is going. I also wanted to know why we are all sufferers and mortals and how we could get out of this condition of life in which we find ourselves. The history of human evolution portrays this millennial desire of man to know himself. Many philosophers, sages and thinkers of yore and today have dedicated themselves to this tireless pursuit. Otherwise, let's see: why the existence of life, human beings and the world? The why of the woman, the why of the man and how were they made and formed, and before they were male and female, what were they? How were the Sun, Moon, Stars, Earth, water, animals and vegetables made and before being what they are, what were they? Where did human beings come from, how did they come, why did they come, where are they going, how are they going and why are they going? These questions and others constituted great mysteries for our culture.
Today, humanity enjoys the good winds of a new era, a new phase, a new millennium and with this new millennium (the third millennium) the human being completes and ends his stage of evolution as a Rational being that is, that has always been and which always will be!
And in this new Millennium, which is the Rational Phase, the human being will find the solutions to all the mysteries, because in this phase he will come to know and know the truth of the truths about his existence; about the existence of this life; about the existence of the world in which he lives; about the universe and about the existence of the true world of origin of humanity!
This Millennium brings, in its bulge, a new way of life for the human being, a Rational, balanced, conscious, positive life, where he will come to know and know everything, bit by bit, with basis, logic, proofs and an infinity of evidence, to satisfy the most demanding researchers!
This Millennium also brings to the knowledge of humanity a new Culture, a Culture of a World much superior to ours, which is the World of the true origin of humanity and the universe (THE RATIONAL WORLD) and this Culture, my friends, is the Culture Rational, contained in the Universe in Disenchantment Books. This Culture, for being unprecedented, brings a natural difficulty to be framed in the cultural patterns known by all! Hence, many try to frame it as a sect, doctrine, religion, spiritism, philosophical and scientific knowledge, occult science, etc. But none of this is Rational Culture; it is rather the natural Knowledge of the true origin of humanity.
Therefore, today the real Knowledge is all here, so naturally, so simply, within everyone's reach and this constitutes the most astonishing discovery of all times! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria). Translated by: Joyce Barros.
Rational greetings to all!