Postagens em Destaque

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2022



“Where the delay is, there is the suffering, nobody understands each other, nobody understands each other. And at the same time that they are understanding each other, they disagree. This is proof that they are not advanced, because if they were, because if they were, understand each other. They would get along very well. Where there are disasters, there is no advance because the backward is that they don't know what they are doing and, because they don't know, they suffer the consequences of the disasters. Therefore, it is seen that everyone walks in multiplication of ruins, for living in a world of late.

The world has no advance of any kind and only RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, with time, will balance everyone through Rational methods and means." (Page 193/194, 1st. Volume, Book UNIVERSE IN DISENCHANTMENT, author: RATIONAL SUPERIOR).

CONSIDERATIONS: These clarifications are necessary so that everyone understands, understands and can distinguish things well. The world is going through difficult times, we all know the reasons and causes and RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION has already arrived in the world, however, the world is still not on account of RATIONAL IMMUNIZATION, which is very little missing!

Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the wheat from the chaff, since in relation to the situation of disequilibrium, bankruptcy and moral, physical and financial liquidation, which are an integral part of our current and global reality, it is worth remembering that there are two phases in the world: one of RECOVERY and RESTORATION of humanity and another to liquidate the deeds of the phase that ended, which was the Rational Animal phase, the phase of civilization.

The recovery phase is the Rational Phase, the phase of peace, love, fraternity and universal concord through the development of Reasoning, obtained through daily reading of the Universe in Disenchantment Books.  In this phase, the Inhabitants of the Rational World are in action on Earth, who are our brothers of origin, pure, clean and perfect beings, from a world much superior to ours, which is the RATIONAL WORLD, from where everything and everyone originates!  So, the Inhabitants of the Rational World are helping humanity, protecting, supporting, guarding, guiding and guiding, so that humanity can recover, entering the Rational Phase.

But this World is a Rational deformation and that's why it has its brute part, its sick part, its bad part and evil by itself destroys itself, by itself it goes on destroying itself, until it reaches its final point of destruction, which is well little missing. So, those who don't know the natural movements of Nature think that the world is about to end. No, the world is not about to end because the RECOVERY PHASE is here! What is about to end are the achievements of the phase that ended; what is about to end is the evil part, or the evil, this is the one that is ending to be banished from the face of the Earth!

But unfortunately, you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs!

Whenever Nature changes phase, upheavals occur in the life of humanity, because Nature needs to put an end to the deeds of a late phase, in order to establish the foundations of another superior phase. That's how it happened when Nature ended the savage phase to implant the civilization phase! Now, Nature is completing this entire process of changing phases and has entered the final stage of humanity's evolution, changing from the Rational Animal phase to the Rational Phase, which is the last phase of the life of matter, the phase in which all humanity will know the world of our race and know how to return to Him!  Because we are of Rational race and that's why we were classified as Rational Animals!

Therefore, the Rational Phase is the phase of the Inhabitants of the Rational World, the true Owners of the World and who are working night and day and day and night for the recovery of the world and of all humanity! (By Antonio dos Santos and Ângela Maria).  Translated by: Joyce Barros.

Rational greetings to all!


Sendo a áurea do mundo de matéria, a áurea do MUNDO RACIONAL. A energia do verdadeiro Mundo de Origem de todos. A Áurea Racional quer dizer:...